School of Lean
Our growing library of Lean training material will enable your team to learn a consistent, continuous improvement mindset. Thoughtfully designed with busy people in mind, courses are broken up into micro-learning modules, most between 3 and 10 minutes.
1000+ Videos A growing library of lean videos and downloads.
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5+ Subtitles Spanish, Chinese, German, French, and more.
Introductory Topics
- 3 Videos
- 22m
A general introduction to continuous improvement. Learn what lean is, why it matters, and how to lay the groundwork for a successful lean journey.View Course
- 3 Courses
- 49 Videos
5S is the first place many lean journeys start due to its quick and sustained impact on an organization. Our 5S courses will have you implementing a 5S program in no time.View Courses
Seven Deadly Wastes
- 3 Courses
- 35 Videos
There are seven (and sometimes 8) types of identified wastes that are keeping your organization from reaching its full potential. This is not just a manufacturing problem, all industries can benefit identifying and eliminating wastes.View Courses
The Kaizen Way
- 14 Videos
- 1h 44m
A deep understanding of Kaizen, which means to change for the better, will change the way you look at process improvement forever. In this course, which is also from the School of Lean, you’ll learn what Kaizen is as well as how to run a kaizen event. To be sure, continuous improvement projects don’t have to take months to complete. In fact, a Six Sigma project may include one, or more, kaizen events as the team works to improve the process.View Course
Value Stream Mapping
- 5 Courses
- 45 Videos
Do you fully understand your entire production process from end to end? The best way to get in deep to your business process’s is with a tool known as value stream mapping, or VSM for short. In these courses you will see how to create your own value stream maps. Additionally you can also experience simulations used to prove the superiority of flow, over batch production for most processes.View Courses
Business Process Mapping
- 21 Videos
- 2h 21m
Using the principles of lean thinking with office processes, knowledge work, and service businesses requires both an understanding of the proven methods and of the unique challenges involved in applying them to information flow. This course focuses on putting Value Stream Mapping into context for service processes by introducing several common methods, viewing real life examples, and gaining insight from expert teachers and authors.View Course
Practical Problem Solving
- 22 Videos
- 2h 16m
We can say that the entire lean manufacturing system is a result of decades of continuous problem solving by all of the people and companies who have contributed to the development of lean systems. The Gemba Academy Practical Problem Solving course explains the exact 8 step problem solving process used by these lean exemplars around the world. In this course you’ll learn why PDCA is much more than 4 simple steps while also learning how to create and use statistical tools like control charts, Pareto charts, and scatter plots.View Course
Toyota Kata
- 11 Courses
- 125 Videos
The Toyota Kata framework turns scientific thinking into a practical skill anyone, and any organization, can learn through the deliberate practice of a four step learning and discovery process.View Courses
Lean Daily Management
- 14 Courses
- 160 Videos
What are the activities needed on a daily basis to keep your lean journey alive? The courses presented here will enable your organization’s leaders to keep the pulse of your teams through coaching, look for improvement opportunities, communicate visually and perhaps most importantly, go to the gemba.View Courses
The Seven Quality Control Tools
- 28 Videos
- 2h 16m
We can say that the entire lean manufacturing system is a result of decades of continuous problem solving by all of the people and companies who have contributed to the development of lean systems. The Gemba Academy Seven Quality Control Tools course explains the exact 7 tools used by quality control experts. No matter if you work in a factory making “widgets” or in a hospital taking care of patients, the concepts taught in this course will forever change the way you use statistical methods to analyze and control quality. In this course you’ll learn the seven key quality control tools while also learning how to create and use statistical tools like control charts, Pareto charts, and scatter plots.View Course
A3 Thinking
- 9 Videos
- 1h 14m
Explore how A3 thinking can positively impact any organization in any industry. View real-world case studies and hear testimonials from leaders that have benefited from A3s.View Course
Quick Changeover — The SMED System
- 12 Videos
- 1h 56m
In this course, you’ll learn how Quick Changeover, or SMED, can be used to streamline your processes and drastically reduce your machine changeover time. While Quick Changeover can be used in virtually any industry, this course features custom foam fabricator Ram Technologies, which saw a 66% improvement after applying this powerful lean tool!View Course
Standard Work
- 20 Videos
- 2h 2m
In this course we cover, in great detail, the 4 types of Standard Work that apply to any type of work or industry. You see, contrary to what some think… Standard Work applies to any type of activity no matter if you produce widgets in a factory or do so-called creative work in an office environment.View Course
- 12 Videos
- 2h 21m
In this course focused on Built in Quality (BIQ) Chris Schrandt — a former Quality Engineering Manager at the Toyota Georgetown, KY plant — delivers a live workshop to a room full of lean thinkers at the Peterbilt Manufacturing Facility.View Course
3P Production Preparation Process
- 11 Videos
- 1h 37m
In this course, which was filmed in front of a live audience, Mike Wroblewski a senior consultant for the Kaizen Institute, discusses 3P (Production Preparation Process) as it relates to the design of a new healthcare facility such as a hospital.View Course
- 8 Videos
- 56m
In this course focused on introducing the powerful topic of kanban, Ron Pereira explains what kanban are and how to implement some of the most popular kanban systems into a production environment. You’ll also receive access to kanban calculators that make the sometimes intimidating math involved simple and easy to handle. Finally, Ron will explain what needs to be in place to ensure kanban success as well as the 6 rules to follow to ensure your kanban system not only survives but thrives over time.View Course
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)
- 8 Courses
- 95 Videos
If you’re familiar with Lean, you know that reducing waste is a big part of this methodology. Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) aims to reduce losses and waste related to the condition and maintenance of production equipment. TPM is a method for achieving maximum equipment effectiveness that provides workers with a framework for efficiently caring for the equipment they use, which reduces the costs associated with repairs and replacements and eliminates downtime. Gemba Academy’s Total Productive Maintenance courses explain TPM’s core fundamentals, benefits, and what you lose when you don’t make maintenance a priority.View Courses
Culture of Kaizen
- 11 Videos
- 1h 29m
While the tools of continuous improvement are obviously important, one thing is certain. If we, as continuous improvement leaders, fail to respect, effectively motivate, and positively influence those around us we will never create strong cultures of kaizen. As such, during this course we will explore the human side of lean in great detail.View Course
Masaaki Imai on Gemba Kaizen and Lean
- 12 Videos
- 1h 3m
In this course, you’ll learn about gemba kaizen and lean from the legendary Mr. Masaaki Imai. Mr. Imai’s powerful way of explaining concepts and the stories he’s gathered over the years make his presentation particularly engaging.View Course
Hoshin Planning
- 2 Courses
- 18 Videos
A method of developing and deploying strategy or policy, hoshin focuses and aligns the organization on a few vital “breakthrough” objectives. The objectives and means to achieve the objectives are cascaded down through the entire organization through a down-up-down process known as catch ball. The actions, plans, and progress are visualized using linked A3 reports and/or X‑matrices. The process is self-correcting and encourages organizational learning and continuous improvement of the planning process itself.View Courses
TWI — Training Within Industry
- 6 Courses
- 135 Videos
Training Within Industry, or TWI for short, is a set of three hands-on, “go to gemba” style training methodologies developed by the United States TWI Service at the beginning of World War II. These three methods are Job Instruction (JI), Job Relations (JR) and Job Methods (JM).View Courses
- 8 Courses
- 34 Videos
The best way to learn is by doing. Simulations allow you to demonstrate lean concepts to your teams in a hands-on way, increasing understanding and also key benefits. It’s not enough to just watch our simulations, to truly understand is to run these simulations yourself with your teams.View Courses
Lean Accounting and Finance
- 3 Courses
- 33 Videos
When implementing Lean, you may find that your accounting practices no longer line up with your business objectives. Our Lean Accounting courses will show you how to line up your Lean activities with your Accounting.View Courses
Lean Lingo Explained
- 12 Videos
- 37m
Brad Schmidt, Managing Partner of Gemba Japan, explains the roots of several of the most popular lean terms. As you’ll soon realize, Brad loves to talk, smile, and have fun. And the fact he speaks and writes Japanese definitely helps!View Course
Gemba Glossary
- 6 Videos
- 9m
The Gemba Glossary series provides a very short description, history, and application of key lean concepts.View Course
Gemba Kaizen: JIT Pays
- 26 Videos
- 1h 35m
Gemba Academy continues to grow its library of Lean and Six Sigma learning resources every day. Along with our brand new videos, we also have a rich archive of content featuring concepts that are as relevant today as they were in the early days of lean. Originally produced by the Kaizen Institute, we are delighted to share with you this video series on kaizen and Just-in-Time production.View Course
- 3 Courses
- 44 Videos
Practicing Agile involves identifying customer needs and developing solutions through collaborative efforts by cross-functional teams. Originating in software development, Agile is now widely-recognized as an effective approach to project management of all kinds. The benefits of incorporating Agile into your management system include a more in-depth understanding of your workflow, the ability to respond and adapt to change quickly, and an overall intensified focus on delivering value to your customers. In these courses you’ll learn the foundational principles of Agile, the positive effect it can have on your processes, and how to deploy it within your organization.View Courses
Total Quality Management (TQM)
- 11 Videos
- 1h 16m
Total Quality Management (TQM) is an organization-wide, strategic, customer-focused and team-based approach to continuous improvement. Learn how to develop the knowledge and skills for problem solving and quality improvement as well as how to plan, support, evaluate, and get started with TQM activities.View Course
Virtual Management Systems
- 10 Videos
- 1h 14m
Managing virtual or remote work poses both unique advantages and challenges. Succeeding in a virtual environment requires more than using digital collaboration tools and videoconferencing. Learn the proven tools, practices, and steps for adopting a virtual management system.View Course
Creative Tension
- 3 Videos
- 10m
Going through cycles of building and resolving creative tension is a key part of building what Peter Senge calls personal mastery in his book “The Fifth Discipline.” Understand how people learn by setting and striving toward goals, and how individuals, leaders, and organizations can make use of this practice.View Course
Fault Tree Analysis
- 3 Videos
- 12m
Fault Tree Analysis is a top-down, deductive approach to understanding how a series of lower-level events can result in an undesired event, accident, or equipment failure. This diagram uses a set of symbols to represent formal logic and to assign probabilities. Performing Fault Tree Analysis helps us to understand how specific systems can fail, assign risk rates, and identify the best ways to reduce these risks.View Course
How to Do Brainstorming
- 10 Videos
- 44m
Brainstorming is a structured process for generating ideas. Although individuals may brainstorm on their own, it’s typically a process that involves group discussion. Learn the five rules of effective brainstorming, the facilitator’s role, and how to use supporting techniques such as the affinity diagram, PICK chart, and N/3 multi-voting as part of your brainstorming session.View Course
How To Do Cross-Training
- 5 Videos
- 23m
All organizations need effective ways to train new employees, become more flexible in responding to changing customer demands, establish succession plans, and improve teamwork. Cross-training is a proven practice used to achieve these things and more. Learn the prerequisites, tools, and techniques for using cross-training to develop a multi-skilled workforceView Course
Bowtie Analysis
- 4 Videos
- 14m
Every workplace comes with hazards. Bowtie Analysis is a powerful risk analysis tool used to identify, evaluate, and address specific hazards within your organization, whether that be a chemical spill on a factory floor or a medical error in a hospital. Learn how this tool, which combines features of Fault Tree Analysis and Event Analysis, can shed light on all kinds of potential issues and how you can intervene before these risks cause real damage.View Course
Cell Design
- 19 Videos
- 1h 55m
Working in a flow delivers benefits in terms of speed, quality, safety, cost, and customer satisfaction. Creating flow requires connecting processes and linking them closely together. Often this takes the form of a cell. Learn the practical steps and principles that guide us through the study of our products, processes, equipment, materials, and people when designing a cell.View Course
Internal Logistics
- 4 Courses
- 38 Videos
As organizations take steps toward achieving continuous flow, it’s common for one or more supporting systems to struggle. A typical problem is that material handling and supply processes can’t keep up with the faster pace of one-piece flow. In other words, we need to build a system of internal logistics that enables continuous flow.View Courses
QFD — Quality Function Deployment
- 8 Videos
- 36m
Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is a structured approach for translating customer needs into technical requirements. QFD has great significance in modern product development because of rapidly changing technologies and customer needs. Correctly identifying customer needs is paramount to our ability to design products and services that meet these needs. By doing this, QFD plays a key role in supporting an organization’s design and development efforts. Learn how the diagram known as the House of Quality creates a visual framework for linking customer needs with design specifications, best practices for collecting Voice of the Customer data, practices for evaluating, ranking, and prioritizing technical requirements, and more.View Course
- 13 Videos
- 1h 6m
A key role of a facilitator is to help participants of meetings, workshops, conferences, or other events meet certain objectives within a set amount of time. Facilitation skills and practices help engage people in change, improvement, or innovation activities. Learn what a facilitator is and is not, how they facilitate different types of activities, and the seven key facilitation skills.View Course
Change Management
- 20 Videos
- 1h 53m
Change management offers a structured process for planning, preparing, implementing, and monitoring successful change in an organization. Learn the seven common reasons that change efforts fail, proven frameworks for avoiding these failure modes, and how to form and operate a steering committee that is able to manage risk, engage stakeholders, and monitor the progress of a change initiative.View Course
Leading Teams
- 13 Videos
- 1h 19m
Working as a team helps people achieve much more than they can as individuals. Becoming a high-performance team requires careful planning, support, and leadership. Learn the roles, responsibilities, skills, and practices that enable leaders to guide teams to successView Course
3C Problem Solving
- 2 Videos
- 8m
There are many problem-solving approaches. The 3C method (Concern, Cause, Countermeasure) offers a simple but effective way for teams to get started with problem-solving in their daily work. Learn about the 3C format, how it’s used, and guidelines that teams can follow.View Course
- 2 Courses
- 26 Videos
This comprehensive course on Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) covers essential methodologies for identifying and mitigating potential failures in products and processes.View Courses
8D Problem Solving
- 11 Videos
- 52m
The 8D problem-solving process was established in the early 1980s by the Ford Motor Company with the goal of standardizing and improving problem-solving capabilities in their supply chain. Launched under the name of “Team Oriented Problem-Solving Using the Eight Disciplines,” it’s commonly practiced as 8D. Learn how to form teams, contain problems, scope projects, identify root causes, implement corrective actions and preventive measures, and recognize the team’s success.View Course