
Learning Platforms

Every orga­ni­za­tion’s train­ing goals are unique. Gem­ba Acad­e­my offers three dis­tinct train­ing plat­forms to opti­mize the learn­ing expe­ri­ence and sup­port your improvements.

Video Library

$3995/USD annually

  • Sin­gle Site License = Unlim­it­ed users in one location

  • Access to online learn­ing on your own time

  • Onboard­ing by indus­try experts

  • Best for orga­ni­za­tions that need a ref­er­ence library of training

Learning System

$7995/USD annually

  • Access for 1 – 50 seats

  • Gem­ba Acad­e­my host­ed LMS – no IT infra­struc­ture required

  • Abil­i­ty to track your team progress

  • Cre­ate cus­tom learn­ing paths tai­lored for your unique organization

  • Indus­try experts on-hand to estab­lish pro­gram set up by onboard­ing for team success

  • Best for orga­ni­za­tions that want to cus­tomize train­ing, and report on progress


Global solution for businesses of all sizes. Custom pricing by request.
  • Mul­ti­ple site loca­tions, unlim­it­ed users

  • Cus­tom LMS Integration

  • Co-brand­ing for seam­less engagement

  • Indus­try Lean team of experts to guide and advise for success

  • Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion pack­ages for team indi­vid­u­als and management

  • Best for large orga­ni­za­tions already invest­ed in their own LMS, and want to keep train­ing in the same place

What’s includ­ed?

Gem­ba Acad­e­my wants to make it easy to part­ner with us. No mat­ter what train­ing plat­form you choose, you will have access to all train­ing videos, down­loads, tem­plates, and more!

  • School of Lean
  • School of Six Sigma
  • School of Leadership
  • Gem­ba Acad­e­my Live!
  • Escuela Lean
  • Escuela Seis Sigma

Why Gemba Academy?

Gem­ba Acad­e­my strives to be more than just anoth­er train­ing provider. We want to be your trust­ed part­ner in dri­ving orga­ni­za­tion­al change, excel­lence, and quality. 

Human Pow­ered

Prac­ti­tion­er-Led Training

Research shows time and again, that humans learn best from oth­er humans. Ani­ma­tions are great for demon­strat­ing con­cepts, but the human ele­ment needs to be present to pass learn­ing to the stu­dent most effec­tive­ly. Gem­ba Acad­e­my train­ing is taught by peo­ple, for people.

Customer team

Trust­ed Partners

Cus­tomer Success

Every Gem­ba Acad­e­my sub­scriber, regard­less of sub­scrip­tion size, gets a ded­i­cat­ed cus­tomer suc­cess man­ag­er. They will be there with you to assist with your onboard­ing, answer any of your ques­tions, pro­vide prod­uct sup­port, and help get you the resources you need for train­ing suc­cess. They will also fol­low up with you at reg­u­lar inter­vals to ensure you’re get­ting the most from your investment.

Behind the scenes camera and set

Respon­sive Learn­ing Solutions

Train­ing that Grows with You

At Gem­ba Acad­e­my, our ded­i­cat­ed con­tent devel­op­ment team active­ly lis­tens to your needs, con­tin­u­ous­ly craft­ing new and updat­ed train­ing mate­ri­als. As a sub­scriber, you’ll gain imme­di­ate access to every new release, ensur­ing you’re always equipped with the lat­est resources tai­lored to meet your train­ing demands — at no extra charge.


Escuela Lean & Six Sigma

Selec­tions of the Schools of Lean and Six Sig­ma are avail­able in a native Span­ish pre­sen­ta­tion. Go beyond sim­ple sub­ti­tles, and get immersed with ful­ly pro­duced train­ing con­tent includ­ing videos, quizzes, tem­plates, hand­outs, and more.