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Introducción a Las Estadísticas
Las estadísticas son la ciencia de recopilar, analizar, presentar e interpretar datos. Las estadísticas proporcionan métodos para diseñar experimentos, así como técnicas para analizar datos y tomar decisiones informadas. Aprenda las diferencias entre estadísticas descriptivas e inferenciales, y cómo utilizar cada una. Esta disciplina es esencial para permitir que profesionales e investigadores evalúen tendencias, prueben teorías y fomenten la mejora e innovación en cualquier industria.
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Introducción a Seis Sigma
Seis Sigma es un enfoque basado en datos para mejorar la calidad y eficiencia en los procesos empresariales. Seis Sigma busca un rendimiento casi perfecto, con el objetivo de no tener más de 3.4 defectos por millón de oportunidades. La metodología emplea el marco de DMAIC (Definir, Medir, Analizar, Mejorar, Controlar) para llevar a cabo proyectos de mejora. Los profesionales de Seis Sigma utilizan herramientas estadísticas para identificar las causas raíz de los defectos y las ineficiencias, lo que permite soluciones precisas que mejoran los resultados, aumentan la satisfacción del cliente y contribuyen significativamente a la reducción de costos organizacionales y a la rentabilidad.
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Mapeo de Procesos y Herramientas Seleccionadas
La capacidad de comprender cómo fluyen los materiales y los procesos, y al mismo tiempo identificar las“entradas” o“X” de un proceso, es clave en la metodología DMAIC. En esta sección, aprenderemos sobre los diferentes tipos de mapeo de procesos y cómo aprovechar la información obtenida de estos mapas mediante herramientas complementarias, como la Matriz C&E y el FMEA, para reducir la lista de entradas a las“pocas críticas”. Sin duda, muchos problemas pueden resolverse en esta fase de un proyecto, ¡así que es el momento de profundizar!
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Instrucción de Trabajo (JI) Para Aprendices
La Instrucción de Trabajo (JI) es un elemento fundamental de Lean y el primer curso de TWI (Capacitación Dentro de la Industria). Su propósito es capacitar completamente a las personas para que agreguen valor a la organización en el menor tiempo posible, evitando problemas que podrían surgir de una instrucción inadecuada. JI establece el mejor método para realizar un trabajo y permite a un instructor transferir conocimientos a un aprendiz rápidamente, al mismo tiempo que verifica la comprensión utilizando un método sencillo de cuatro pasos. Esta versión para “Aprendices” de este curso se puede utilizar para facilitar su propio curso de Instrucción de Trabajo de 5 días en persona. También está disponible una guía detallada para facilitadores que incluye una agenda completa de cinco días.
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Studies show that individuals who are self-aware are more fulfilled and effective in their personal and professional lives. Self-awareness is the conscious knowledge of 10 aspects of ourselves, including our thoughts, feelings and emotions, motives, behaviors, and much more. Developing self-awareness requires reflection, observation, and listening to feedback. There are many simple techniques we can start using to develop our self-awareness and improve relationships, communicate clearly, make better decisions, reduce stress, and more.
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Job Methods (JM) for Facilitators
Job Methods (JM) is a simple 4‑step approach for improving work methods. This course offers the instructional content, examples, exercises, and guidance for a facilitator familiar with JM to deliver Job Methods training workshops.
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Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence is an essential factor in the successful implementation of continuous improvement processes within organizations. This course is specifically designed to help professionals, managers, and teams understand and harness the power of emotions in the context of a work environment. By combining the principles of Emotional Intelligence with the methodologies of continuous improvement, participants will learn how to create a workplace culture that encourages respect, adaptability, collaboration, and sustainable growth.
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Adaptive Leadership
Learn how adaptive leadership and its various approaches provide leaders with the tools and skills needed to lead in a variety of situations and rapidly changing environments. This course introduces four foundational leadership styles, including directive, supportive, coaching, and delegating, and explains how to use each style appropriately based on different situations. Learners will also see the importance of self-awareness and reflection in identifying their preferred leadership style, as well as how to give effective instructions and delegate tasks. The course concludes with best practices for using adaptive leadership, including how to avoid common pitfalls and keep a clear purpose in mind.
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8D Problem Solving
The 8D problem-solving process was established in the early 1980s by the Ford Motor Company with the goal of standardizing and improving problem-solving capabilities in their supply chain. Launched under the name of“Team Oriented Problem-Solving Using the Eight Disciplines,” it’s commonly practiced as 8D. Learn how to form teams, contain problems, scope projects, identify root causes, implement corrective actions and preventive measures, and recognize the team’s success.
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Lean Case Study: Paragon Medical
In this Gemba Academy Live! series we visit Paragon Medical, located in Pierceton, Indiana. Join us on a virtual tour as we learn how Paragon uses visual management, engages people in CI, tracks and improves machine performance and OEE, and how they use the yellow belt, green belt, and black belt program to develop CI skills and deliver savings. We also visit their new facility where they are transforming their processes through adaptive manufacturing.
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3C Problem Solving
There are many problem-solving approaches. The 3C method (Concern, Cause, Countermeasure) offers a simple but effective way for teams to get started with problem-solving in their daily work. Learn about the 3C format, how it’s used, and guidelines that teams can follow.
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Failure Mode and Effects Analysis, or FMEA is a method for evaluating potential technical risks of failures for products or processes. The Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) and the German VDA (Verband der Automobilindustrie) organizations updated the approach to help organizations in the automotive industry to practice FMEA in a common way across their supply chains.
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Gemba Kaizen: JIT Rinde
Gemba Academy continúa ampliando su biblioteca de recursos de aprendizaje Lean y Six Sigma de manera regular. Junto con nuestros videos completamente nuevos, también contamos con un amplio archivo de contenido que presenta conceptos que son tan relevantes hoy como lo fueron en los primeros días de Lean. Originalmente producida por el Kaizen Institute, estamos encantados de compartir con ustedes esta serie de videos sobre kaizen y la producción justo a tiempo (JIT).
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Leading Teams
Working as a team helps people achieve much more than they can as individuals. Becoming a high-performance team requires careful planning, support, and leadership. Learn the roles, responsibilities, skills, and practices that enable leaders to guide teams to success.
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The DMAIC Process
DMAIC is a five-phase approach for designing, delivering, and sustaining improvement projects. Learn the objectives of each phase, the structured activities of each phase, common statistical tools and analysis techniques used during each phase, how to conduct tollgate reviews between each phase, and how project leaders must handle project closure.
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3P Proceso de Preparación de la Producción
Una de las herramientas más transformadoras en la metodología Lean, 3P va más allá de las mejoras graduales, en lugar de eso, apunta a cambios innovadores con un gran impacto. 3P significa “Proceso de Preparación de la Producción” y describe la primera en una serie de tres etapas de diseño Lean. El diseño Lean también incluye pruebas rápidas de ideas y la incorporación de herramientas y principios Lean en el diseño del espacio de trabajo y los procesos internos. Este entrenamiento Lean 3P está diseñado para aprendices que ya tienen experiencia con prácticas Lean como Kaizen, Resolución Práctica de Problemas y 5S.
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Lean Finance
Financial leaders play a key role in ensuring the success of continuous improvement efforts. Although continuous improvement efforts contribute significantly to profitable growth, traditional financial measurement, reporting, budgeting, forecasting, and planning processes can often be obstacles to this success. Learn the main areas that financial leaders must study in order to enable the success of continuous improvement in their organizations.
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P‑M Analysis
P‑M Analysis is a technique for addressing chronic losses. This approach to cause analysis thoroughly studies the M, or Mechanisms, of a specific problem phenomenon related to equipment, or P. Learn the differences between chronic losses and sporadic losses, the characteristics of P‑M Analysis compared to other common cause analysis approaches, the eight steps for conducting P‑M Analysis, and a typical project team and how they use a storyboard to visualize their work.
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TPM Education and Training
The TPM Education and Training pillar is a key enabler of all other TPM methods, techniques, and practices. By following the step-by-step approach to building this pillar, we design and deploy long-term plans to develop people’s skills that are key to raising motivation, improving equipment performance, and meeting business objectives.
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