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  1. Introducción a Las Estadísticas poster image

    Introducción a Las Estadísticas

    Las estadís­ti­cas son la cien­cia de recopi­lar, analizar, pre­sen­tar e inter­pre­tar datos. Las estadís­ti­cas pro­por­cio­nan méto­dos para dis­eñar exper­i­men­tos, así como téc­ni­cas para analizar datos y tomar deci­siones infor­madas. Apren­da las difer­en­cias entre estadís­ti­cas descrip­ti­vas e infer­en­ciales, y cómo uti­lizar cada una. Esta dis­ci­plina es esen­cial para per­mi­tir que pro­fe­sion­ales e inves­ti­gadores evalúen ten­den­cias, prueben teorías y fomenten la mejo­ra e inno­vación en cualquier industria.

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  2. Introducción a Seis Sigma poster image

    Introducción a Seis Sigma

    Seis Sig­ma es un enfoque basa­do en datos para mejo­rar la cal­i­dad y efi­cien­cia en los pro­ce­sos empre­sar­i­ales. Seis Sig­ma bus­ca un rendimien­to casi per­fec­to, con el obje­ti­vo de no ten­er más de 3.4 defec­tos por mil­lón de opor­tu­nidades. La metodología emplea el mar­co de DMA­IC (Definir, Medir, Analizar, Mejo­rar, Con­tro­lar) para lle­var a cabo proyec­tos de mejo­ra. Los pro­fe­sion­ales de Seis Sig­ma uti­lizan her­ramien­tas estadís­ti­cas para iden­ti­ficar las causas raíz de los defec­tos y las ine­fi­cien­cias, lo que per­mite solu­ciones pre­cisas que mejo­ran los resul­ta­dos, aumen­tan la sat­is­fac­ción del cliente y con­tribuyen sig­ni­fica­ti­va­mente a la reduc­ción de cos­tos orga­ni­za­cionales y a la rentabilidad.

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  3. Mapeo de Procesos y Herramientas Seleccionadas poster image

    Mapeo de Procesos y Herramientas Seleccionadas

    La capaci­dad de com­pren­der cómo fluyen los mate­ri­ales y los pro­ce­sos, y al mis­mo tiem­po iden­ti­ficar las​“entradas” o​“X” de un pro­ce­so, es clave en la metodología DMA­IC. En esta sec­ción, apren­der­e­mos sobre los difer­entes tipos de mapeo de pro­ce­sos y cómo aprovechar la infor­ma­ción obteni­da de estos mapas medi­ante her­ramien­tas com­ple­men­tarias, como la Matriz C&E y el FMEA, para reducir la lista de entradas a las​“pocas críti­cas”. Sin duda, muchos prob­le­mas pueden resol­verse en esta fase de un proyec­to, ¡así que es el momen­to de profundizar!

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  4. Instrucción de Trabajo (JI) Para Aprendices poster image

    Instrucción de Trabajo (JI) Para Aprendices

    La Instruc­ción de Tra­ba­jo (JI) es un ele­men­to fun­da­men­tal de Lean y el primer cur­so de TWI (Capac­itación Den­tro de la Indus­tria). Su propósi­to es capac­i­tar com­ple­ta­mente a las per­sonas para que agreguen val­or a la orga­ni­zación en el menor tiem­po posi­ble, evi­tan­do prob­le­mas que podrían sur­gir de una instruc­ción inade­cua­da. JI establece el mejor méto­do para realizar un tra­ba­jo y per­mite a un instruc­tor trans­ferir conocimien­tos a un apren­diz ráp­i­da­mente, al mis­mo tiem­po que ver­i­fi­ca la com­pren­sión uti­lizan­do un méto­do sen­cil­lo de cua­tro pasos. Esta ver­sión para Apren­dices” de este cur­so se puede uti­lizar para facil­i­tar su pro­pio cur­so de Instruc­ción de Tra­ba­jo de 5 días en per­sona. Tam­bién está disponible una guía detal­la­da para facil­i­ta­dores que incluye una agen­da com­ple­ta de cin­co días.

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  5. Self-Awareness poster image


    Stud­ies show that indi­vid­u­als who are self-aware are more ful­filled and effec­tive in their per­son­al and pro­fes­sion­al lives. Self-aware­ness is the con­scious knowl­edge of 10 aspects of our­selves, includ­ing our thoughts, feel­ings and emo­tions, motives, behav­iors, and much more. Devel­op­ing self-aware­ness requires reflec­tion, obser­va­tion, and lis­ten­ing to feed­back. There are many sim­ple tech­niques we can start using to devel­op our self-aware­ness and improve rela­tion­ships, com­mu­ni­cate clear­ly, make bet­ter deci­sions, reduce stress, and more.

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  6. Job Methods (JM) for Facilitators poster image

    Job Methods (JM) for Facilitators

    Job Meth­ods (JM) is a sim­ple 4‑step approach for improv­ing work meth­ods. This course offers the instruc­tion­al con­tent, exam­ples, exer­cis­es, and guid­ance for a facil­i­ta­tor famil­iar with JM to deliv­er Job Meth­ods train­ing workshops.

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  7. Emotional Intelligence poster image

    Emotional Intelligence

    Emo­tion­al Intel­li­gence is an essen­tial fac­tor in the suc­cess­ful imple­men­ta­tion of con­tin­u­ous improve­ment process­es with­in orga­ni­za­tions. This course is specif­i­cal­ly designed to help pro­fes­sion­als, man­agers, and teams under­stand and har­ness the pow­er of emo­tions in the con­text of a work envi­ron­ment. By com­bin­ing the prin­ci­ples of Emo­tion­al Intel­li­gence with the method­olo­gies of con­tin­u­ous improve­ment, par­tic­i­pants will learn how to cre­ate a work­place cul­ture that encour­ages respect, adapt­abil­i­ty, col­lab­o­ra­tion, and sus­tain­able growth.

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  8. Adaptive Leadership poster image

    Adaptive Leadership

    Learn how adap­tive lead­er­ship and its var­i­ous approach­es pro­vide lead­ers with the tools and skills need­ed to lead in a vari­ety of sit­u­a­tions and rapid­ly chang­ing envi­ron­ments. This course intro­duces four foun­da­tion­al lead­er­ship styles, includ­ing direc­tive, sup­port­ive, coach­ing, and del­e­gat­ing, and explains how to use each style appro­pri­ate­ly based on dif­fer­ent sit­u­a­tions. Learn­ers will also see the impor­tance of self-aware­­ness and reflec­tion in iden­ti­fy­ing their pre­ferred lead­er­ship style, as well as how to give effec­tive instruc­tions and del­e­gate tasks. The course con­cludes with best prac­tices for using adap­tive lead­er­ship, includ­ing how to avoid com­mon pit­falls and keep a clear pur­pose in mind.

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  9. 8D Problem Solving poster image

    8D Problem Solving

    The 8D prob­lem-solv­ing process was estab­lished in the ear­ly 1980s by the Ford Motor Com­pa­ny with the goal of stan­dard­iz­ing and improv­ing prob­lem-solv­ing capa­bil­i­ties in their sup­ply chain. Launched under the name of​“Team Ori­ent­ed Prob­lem-Solv­ing Using the Eight Dis­ci­plines,” it’s com­mon­ly prac­ticed as 8D. Learn how to form teams, con­tain prob­lems, scope projects, iden­ti­fy root caus­es, imple­ment cor­rec­tive actions and pre­ven­tive mea­sures, and rec­og­nize the team’s success.

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  10. Lean Case Study: Paragon Medical poster image

    Lean Case Study: Paragon Medical

    In this Gem­ba Acad­e­my Live! series we vis­it Paragon Med­ical, locat­ed in Pierce­ton, Indi­ana. Join us on a vir­tu­al tour as we learn how Paragon uses visu­al man­age­ment, engages peo­ple in CI, tracks and improves machine per­for­mance and OEE, and how they use the yel­low belt, green belt, and black belt pro­gram to devel­op CI skills and deliv­er sav­ings. We also vis­it their new facil­i­ty where they are trans­form­ing their process­es through adap­tive manufacturing.

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  11. 3C Problem Solving poster image

    3C Problem Solving

    There are many prob­lem-solv­ing approach­es. The 3C method (Con­cern, Cause, Coun­ter­mea­sure) offers a sim­ple but effec­tive way for teams to get start­ed with prob­lem-solv­ing in their dai­ly work. Learn about the 3C for­mat, how it’s used, and guide­lines that teams can follow.

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  12. FMEA AIAG & VDA poster image


    Fail­ure Mode and Effects Analy­sis, or FMEA is a method for eval­u­at­ing poten­tial tech­ni­cal risks of fail­ures for prod­ucts or process­es. The Auto­mo­tive Indus­try Action Group (AIAG) and the Ger­man VDA (Ver­band der Auto­mo­bilin­dus­trie) orga­ni­za­tions updat­ed the approach to help orga­ni­za­tions in the auto­mo­tive indus­try to prac­tice FMEA in a com­mon way across their sup­ply chains.

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  13. Gemba Kaizen: JIT Rinde poster image

    Gemba Kaizen: JIT Rinde

    Gem­ba Acad­e­my con­tinúa amplian­do su bib­liote­ca de recur­sos de apren­diza­je Lean y Six Sig­ma de man­era reg­u­lar. Jun­to con nue­stros videos com­ple­ta­mente nuevos, tam­bién con­ta­mos con un amplio archi­vo de con­tenido que pre­sen­ta con­cep­tos que son tan rel­e­vantes hoy como lo fueron en los primeros días de Lean. Orig­i­nal­mente pro­duci­da por el Kaizen Insti­tute, esta­mos encan­ta­dos de com­par­tir con ust­edes esta serie de videos sobre kaizen y la pro­duc­ción jus­to a tiem­po (JIT).

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  14. Leading Teams poster image

    Leading Teams

    Work­ing as a team helps peo­ple achieve much more than they can as indi­vid­u­als. Becom­ing a high-per­for­mance team requires care­ful plan­ning, sup­port, and lead­er­ship. Learn the roles, respon­si­bil­i­ties, skills, and prac­tices that enable lead­ers to guide teams to success.

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  15. The DMAIC Process poster image

    The DMAIC Process

    DMA­IC is a five-phase approach for design­ing, deliv­er­ing, and sus­tain­ing improve­ment projects. Learn the objec­tives of each phase, the struc­tured activ­i­ties of each phase, com­mon sta­tis­ti­cal tools and analy­sis tech­niques used dur­ing each phase, how to con­duct toll­gate reviews between each phase, and how project lead­ers must han­dle project closure.

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  16. 3P Proceso de Preparación de la Producción poster image

    3P Proceso de Preparación de la Producción

    Una de las her­ramien­tas más trans­for­mado­ras en la metodología Lean, 3P va más allá de las mejo­ras grad­uales, en lugar de eso, apun­ta a cam­bios inno­vadores con un gran impacto. 3P sig­nifi­ca Pro­ce­so de Preparación de la Pro­duc­ción” y describe la primera en una serie de tres eta­pas de dis­eño Lean. El dis­eño Lean tam­bién incluye prue­bas ráp­i­das de ideas y la incor­po­ración de her­ramien­tas y prin­ci­p­ios Lean en el dis­eño del espa­cio de tra­ba­jo y los pro­ce­sos inter­nos. Este entre­namien­to Lean 3P está dis­eña­do para apren­dices que ya tienen expe­ri­en­cia con prác­ti­cas Lean como Kaizen, Res­olu­ción Prác­ti­ca de Prob­le­mas y 5S.

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  17. Lean Finance poster image

    Lean Finance

    Finan­cial lead­ers play a key role in ensur­ing the suc­cess of con­tin­u­ous improve­ment efforts. Although con­tin­u­ous improve­ment efforts con­tribute sig­nif­i­cant­ly to prof­itable growth, tra­di­tion­al finan­cial mea­sure­ment, report­ing, bud­get­ing, fore­cast­ing, and plan­ning process­es can often be obsta­cles to this suc­cess. Learn the main areas that finan­cial lead­ers must study in order to enable the suc­cess of con­tin­u­ous improve­ment in their organizations.

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  18. P-M Analysis poster image

    P‑M Analysis

    P‑M Analy­sis is a tech­nique for address­ing chron­ic loss­es. This approach to cause analy­sis thor­ough­ly stud­ies the M, or Mech­a­nisms, of a spe­cif­ic prob­lem phe­nom­e­non relat­ed to equip­ment, or P. Learn the dif­fer­ences between chron­ic loss­es and spo­radic loss­es, the char­ac­ter­is­tics of P‑M Analy­sis com­pared to oth­er com­mon cause analy­sis approach­es, the eight steps for con­duct­ing P‑M Analy­sis, and a typ­i­cal project team and how they use a sto­ry­board to visu­al­ize their work.

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  19. TPM Education and Training poster image

    TPM Education and Training

    The TPM Edu­ca­tion and Train­ing pil­lar is a key enabler of all oth­er TPM meth­ods, tech­niques, and prac­tices. By fol­low­ing the step-by-step approach to build­ing this pil­lar, we design and deploy long-term plans to devel­op people’s skills that are key to rais­ing moti­va­tion, improv­ing equip­ment per­for­mance, and meet­ing busi­ness objectives.

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