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School of Lean

Business Process Mapping

Busi­ness Process Map­ping (BPM) is a frame­work designed to help busi­ness­es make work­flows vis­i­ble via a sys­tem of uni­ver­sal sym­bols, charts, and dia­grams to cre­ate a visu­al rep­re­sen­ta­tion of an entire busi­ness process from begin­ning to end.

By map­ping each step in a process, you can iden­ti­fy the who, what, where, when, how — and even­tu­al­ly the why — behind what is and isn’t work­ing in any giv­en process.

Whether you’re train­ing new employ­ees, con­duct­ing an inter­nal audit, or work­ing through ways to improve work­flow, Busi­ness Process Map­ping shows com­pa­nies how pre­dictable process­es should func­tion by high­light­ing the val­ue and non-val­ue activ­i­ties with­in each step.

Gem­ba Academy’s Busi­ness Process Map­ping course series moves away from the pro­duc­tion line to help knowl­edge work­ers map, ana­lyze, and improve the infor­ma­tion flow to elim­i­nate waste and gen­er­ate more value.

What You’ll Learn in this Business Process Mapping Training Course

Led by Lean experts, Gem­ba Academy’s Busi­ness Process Map­ping train­ing course adapts Lean think­ing and process map­ping best prac­tices to the infor­ma­tion flow, giv­ing knowl­edge work­ers and pro­fes­sion­al ser­vices teams more con­text for using key prin­ci­ples to stream­line dai­ly work.

Here’s a quick look at what you’ll find on the syllabus:

  • An intro­duc­tion to Busi­ness Process Map­ping, com­mon sym­bols, and map­ping meth­ods to over­come the unique chal­lenges of apply­ing them to infor­ma­tion flows.
  • How to cre­ate flow­charts, process charts, and swim lane maps.
  • An overview on how to per­form Makiga­mi analy­ses to iden­ti­fy waste, prob­lems, and oppor­tu­ni­ties for improvement. 
  • How to use Val­ue Stream Map­ping and Trans­ac­tion­al Val­ue Stream Mapping.
  • Busi­ness process map­ping exam­ples from real Lean organizations.
  • Sit­u­a­tion­al exam­ples where we iden­ti­fy the appro­pri­ate map­ping tech­nique to bring out the most ben­e­fi­cial outcome.
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Benefits of Gemba Academy’s Business Process Mapping Online Course

Upon com­plet­ing our Busi­ness Process Map­ping train­ing online series, par­tic­i­pants will:

  • Be able to iden­ti­fy all tasks in each process, who owns each task, and when it occurs.
  • Under­stand how to apply Lean prac­tices like Val­ue Stream Map­ping, flow­chart­ing, and process map­ping with­in the con­text of ser­vice-ori­ent­ed processes.
  • Be able to deter­mine which map­ping tools to use based on the situation.
  • Have an under­stand­ing of how to ana­lyze maps and mea­sure the impact exist­ing process­es have on big-pic­ture goals.