
Lean & Six Sigma Certifications

The only cer­ti­fi­ca­tion pro­gram with one-on-one coach­ing to keep you on track towards success*

Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt

Knowl­edge­able in the fun­da­men­tals of lean. Works dai­ly to improve process­es, and elim­i­nate wastes.


  • No pre­req­ui­sites

  • Access to 55 Videos

  • 12 weeks access to the course material

  • Required prac­ti­cal appli­ca­tion exercises

  • Video Time — 11 Hours

  • *Coach­ing avail­able for purchase

  • 25 Ques­tion Exam

Lean Six Sigma Green Belt

Expe­ri­enced to lead small Lean & Six Sig­ma projects in a depart­ment. A great start­ing point for those inter­est­ed in advanc­ing con­tin­u­ous improve­ment knowledge.


  • No pre­req­ui­sites

  • Access to 122 Lean Six Sig­ma videos

  • 150+ tem­plates and course overviews for max­i­mized learning

  • Esti­mat­ed time to com­plete 4 – 8 months

  • Video time 31 hours

  • 50 ques­tion exam + Gem­ba Acad­e­my signed cer­tifi­cate upon completion

  • 12 hours of 1 – 1 coaching

Lean Six Sigma Black Belt

Leads Yellow/​Green Belts and has advanced knowl­edge in Lean Six Sig­ma method­ol­o­gy. Men­tor and coach com­plex projects in mul­ti­ple departments.


  • No pre­req­ui­sites

  • Access to 140 Lean & Six Sig­ma videos

  • 200+ tem­plates and course overviews for max­i­mized learning

  • Esti­mat­ed time to com­plete 8 – 10 months

  • Video time 36 hours

  • 35 ques­tion exam + Gem­ba Acad­e­my signed cer­tifi­cate upon completion

  • 12 hours of 1 – 1 coaching

Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt

Works with lead­ers to iden­ti­fy oppor­tu­ni­ties of improve­ment through­out the cer­ti­fi­ca­tion process. Men­tors and coach­es Green and Black Belts.


  • Pre­req­ui­site: Black Belt certified

  • Access to all 1500+ Lean & Six Sig­ma videos

  • All tem­plates and course overviews for max­i­mized learn­ing included

  • Esti­mat­ed time to com­plete 10 – 12 months

  • Video time 82 hours

  • 100 ques­tion exam + Gem­ba Acad­e­my framed cer­tifi­cate upon completion

Lean Practitioner

Indi­vid­u­als: $4995 | Teams: $3995 per person

Front line leader or indi­vid­ual con­trib­u­tor who uses lean tools, meth­ods, and prin­ci­ples to solve prob­lems, make improve­ments, and devel­op the con­tin­u­ous improve­ment skills of others.

The lean prac­ti­tion­er is the team leader for con­tin­u­ous improve­ment think­ing and assis­tance with­in the company.

Avail­able for indi­vid­u­als or man­age­ment teams.

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