Nature marble
School of Lean

Lean Accounting and Finance

When com­pa­nies start embrac­ing Lean man­age­ment and pro­duc­tion prac­tices, they often find that their exist­ing account­ing process no longer aligns with big-pic­ture busi­ness objec­tives.

Lean Account­ing applies Lean prin­ci­ples to account­ing and finance to dri­ve improve­ment by elim­i­nat­ing waste, improv­ing inter­nal process­es, and deliv­er­ing more val­ue to the end-con­sumer.

Gem­ba Acad­e­my’s Lean Account­ing course is designed to help your account­ing and finance teams shift away from tra­di­tion­al account­ing prac­tices toward a new way of think­ing about finances.

What You’ll Learn in this Lean Accounting Training Course

In this Lean Account­ing course, you’ll learn how to min­i­mize waste and reduce costs by apply­ing Lean prin­ci­ples to inter­nal account­ing process­es from pay­roll and billing to man­ag­ing fixed assets, col­lec­tions, and payables.

In this video train­ing series, you’ll learn:

Man using calculator and clipboard

Benefits of our Gemba Academy Online Lean Accounting Course

Through case stud­ies and prac­ti­cal work­shop exer­cis­es, course par­tic­i­pants will gain an under­stand­ing of Lean prin­ci­ples with­in an account­ing and finance context.

Beyond the ben­e­fits pro­vid­ed by this Lean Account­ing video course, Gem­ba Academy’s flex­i­ble online train­ing pro­gram offers:

  • Lessons designed for con­tin­u­ous improvement

    Our videos are led by Lean experts who draw on their expe­ri­ences work­ing with clients world­wide. Lessons range between 5 – 15 min­utes and offer prac­ti­cal advice that can be applied immediately.

  • One sub­scrip­tion cov­ers your entire organization

    Account­ing, pro­duc­tion, man­age­ment, and front­line employ­ees all gain access to Gem­ba Academy’s asset library for a flat rate, with no added costs per person.

  • Sup­ple­men­tal mate­ri­als rein­force training

    Excel tem­plates, quizzes, and case stud­ies are includ­ed with Gem­ba Acad­e­my’s online train­ing cours­es. For exam­ple, the Lean Account­ing series includes rec­om­mend­ed resources and tem­plates to help your account­ing team learn the ins-and-outs of this new approach.