Abstract multicolor shapes
School of Lean


Kan­ban is a work­flow man­age­ment and sup­ply chain opti­miza­tion tool that has been used to solve pro­duc­tiv­i­ty prob­lems since the 1940s. Today, it’s a fun­da­men­tal aspect of any Lean man­age­ment practice. 

Kan­ban sys­tems are some­times con­sid­ered the ner­vous sys­tem” of the Lean man­age­ment method­ol­o­gy, act­ing as a brain to pro­vide instruc­tions to var­i­ous work areas through visu­al cues or cards that trig­ger spe­cif­ic actions. Each card con­nects infor­ma­tion flow with mate­r­i­al flow by attach­ing Kan­ban cards to phys­i­cal deliv­er­ables, which aims to make waste areas vis­i­ble, pre­vent over­pro­duc­tion, and meet cus­tomer demand.

In Gem­ba Academy’s Kan­ban train­ing mod­ules, you’ll learn how to use a Kan­ban board to improve inter­nal sup­ply chain process­es and achieve pro­duc­tiv­i­ty gains.

What You’ll Learn in Gemba Academy’s Kanban Training Courses

In this online train­ing course, Lean expert Ron Pereira explains the Kan­ban method­ol­o­gy and how orga­ni­za­tions can imple­ment it into their own pro­duc­tion environments. 

Here’s a quick run­down of what learn­ers can expect to gain from this Kan­ban train­ing course. 

  • An under­stand­ing of what Kan­ban is and its role in Lean man­age­ment. We’ll dis­cuss how Kan­ban cre­ates a pull sys­tem” where visu­al cards sig­nal when prod­ucts should be manufactured. 
  • An intro­duc­tion to the most com­mon types of Kan­ban sys­tems, includ­ing the 2‑bin, 2‑card, and 1‑card sys­tems, and Kan­ban’s six pre­req­ui­sites that must be in place to get the most out of this tool. Also, the six fun­da­men­tal rules for cre­at­ing a sus­tain­able Kan­ban system.
  • How to set stan­dards and poli­cies for your Kan­ban sys­tem, as well as devel­op a plan for col­lab­o­ra­tive improvement. 
  • Access to Kan­ban tem­plates and cal­cu­la­tors that make it easy to apply each les­son and sim­pli­fy calculations.

Benefits of this Gemba Academy Kanban Training Course

At the end of this pro­gram, learn­ers will under­stand how to use Kan­ban sys­tems to visu­al­ize work­flows, elim­i­nate waste, and opti­mize their sup­ply chain network.