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School of Lean

Lean Daily Management

Lean Dai­ly Man­age­ment is a con­tin­u­ous process that ensures that work is done cor­rect­ly and at the right time to achieve an organization’s strate­gic goals.

Lean Dai­ly Man­age­ment is used to enable every­one at every lev­el in an orga­ni­za­tion to visu­al­ize whether work per­for­mance is good or bad on a dai­ly basis and whether or not they’re on track for meet­ing goals. The goal is to help com­pa­nies quick­ly iden­ti­fy prob­lems, take cor­rec­tive actions, and sus­tain past improve­ment efforts. 

Addi­tion­al­ly, Lean Dai­ly Man­age­ment aims to hold every­one account­able for tak­ing the appro­pri­ate actions to cor­rect a prob­lem and ensure a high stan­dard of performance. 

In this com­pre­hen­sive Lean Dai­ly Man­age­ment train­ing, Gem­ba Academy’s School of Lean experts intro­duce dai­ly man­age­ment, then dive into the four essen­tial rou­tines that help com­pa­nies sus­tain Lean habits long-term.

What You’ll Learn in these Lean Daily Management Online Courses

While Lean Dai­ly Man­age­ment may sound like a sim­ple con­cept, the real­i­ty is that it’s a mul­ti-step strat­e­gy that requires care­ful plan­ning and the right culture. 

Gem­ba Academy’s Lean Dai­ly Man­age­ment train­ing series aims to help busi­ness lead­ers devel­op the skills and knowl­edge need­ed to sup­port their Lean jour­ney. In it, we’ll look at the dai­ly activ­i­ties that help orga­ni­za­tions sus­tain past efforts and con­tin­ue to dri­ve improvements.

Here’s a quick look at what we’ll cov­er in this Lean Dai­ly Man­age­ment train­ing series, bro­ken down by module:

Benefits of Gemba Academy’s Lean Management Online Courses

This Lean Dai­ly Man­age­ment train­ing aims to help Lean prac­ti­tion­ers estab­lish the habits, mind­sets, and behav­iors that even­tu­al­ly become sec­ond nature and sup­port sus­tained improve­ments for the long haul.

Addi­tion­al­ly, all Gem­ba Acad­e­my sub­scribers receive the fol­low­ing benefits:

  • Learn Any­time

    On-demand access to 1,500+ Lean and Six Sig­ma train­ing videos.

  • Cost Effec­tive

    Gem­ba Acad­e­my sub­scrip­tions are offered on a per-site basis, which means that all employ­ees work­ing at a sin­gle loca­tion can access train­ing mate­ri­als with the same subscription.

  • Expert Guid­ance

    All cours­es are designed and led by con­tin­u­ous improve­ment experts with real-world expe­ri­ence. Lessons focus on pro­vid­ing learn­ers with prac­ti­cal insights they can start using immediately.

See our Lean Man­age­ment train­ing cours­es in action. You can watch the first video in each course for free.