Upcoming Content
Our Content Development team is hard at work to add even more fresh, new content to Gemba Academy’s premier training library. With a focus on providing the latest knowledge and skills, these upcoming courses, virtual tours, and other learning resources are designed to enhance your learning experience and support your professional growth. Here are some of the courses that are currently under development:
Refreshed Course
Fault Tree Analysis
Fault Tree Analysis is a top-down, deductive approach to understanding how a series of lower-level events can result in an undesired event, accident, or equipment failure. This diagram uses a set of symbols to represent formal logic and to assign probabilities. Performing Fault Tree Analysis helps us to understand how specific systems can fail, assign risk rates, and identify the best ways to reduce these risks.
New Leadership Course
Time Management
Time management is a set of practices that helps us become more efficient, balance work and life, and reduce wasted time. It’s a key enabler of success both in our personal and professional lives. There are many proven time management practices and techniques, but also myths and misconceptions that hold people back. An important part of time management is to start with goals and priorities, perform a self-assessment, and select one or two areas to start improving. Whether we struggle with overcommitment, interruptions, procrastination, emails, or other time losses, you will learn strategies and techniques for becoming better at time management.
Refreshed Six Sigma Course
Introduction to Six Sigma
Six Sigma is a data-driven approach to improving quality and efficiency in business processes. Six Sigma aims for near-perfect performance, targeting a goal of no more than 3.4 defects per million opportunities. The methodology employs the framework of DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) for delivering improvement projects. Six Sigma practitioners use statistical tools to identify root causes of defects and inefficiencies, enabling precise solutions that improve outcomes, increase customer satisfaction, and contribute significantly to organizational cost reduction and profitability.
Refreshed Six Sigma Course
Introduction to Statistics
Statistics is the science of collecting, analyzing, presenting, and interpreting data. Statistics provides methods for designing experiments, techniques for analyzing data and making informed decisions. Learn the differences between descriptive and inferential statistics, and how to use each. This discipline is essential for enabling professionals and researchers to evaluate trends, test theories, and drive improvement and innovation in any industry.
Refreshed Six Sigma Course
Descriptive Statistics
Knowing how to improve your processes and workflow depends on how well you can interpret the data you collect during your testing phases. Even if data is collected appropriately, if it is reported and interpreted incorrectly, it will not improve your organization’s performance. To make sure that everyone on your team can correctly read and interpret your data, learn more about descriptive statistics and how to properly use them in your quest to improve your organization.
Refreshed Six Sigma Course
Graphs and Charts
When it comes to seeing how processes change over time, the ability to graph data can be invaluable, especially for continuous improvement practitioners. They can even help emphasize different attributes of the same data. But with so many graphs out there, how do you know if you’re using the best Lean or Six Sigma chart for your particular data set? This course will answer that question for you.
Refreshed School of Lean Course
Seven Quality Control (7QC) Tools
The Seven Quality Control (7 QC) Tools are an essential set of graphing techniques that are used to identify and fix problems that undermine product or process quality. The 7 QC Tools provide continuous improvement practitioners with a systematic approach for identifying and troubleshooting quality issues. Learn the seven quality control tools and how to use them within your organization. *This course is an update to our existing course.
New School of Lean Course
Early Equipment Management (TPM)
Organizations can greatly improve the reliability, safety, quality, and overall effectiveness of their equipment by practicing TPM and other continuous improvement methods. However, some basic design flaws in equipment are too technically challenging or costly to improve. Early equipment management, or EEM, is an approach for maximizing the efficiency and lifespan of equipment from the earliest design stages.
Refreshed Six Sigma Course
Critical Inputs
In the Six Sigma DMAIC approach we identify, evaluate, and optimize the critical inputs, or Xs, that significantly influence our primary metric and overall process performance. Learn how to use tools like process mapping, the Cause & Effect Matrix, and FMEA to identify process inputs and narrow them down to the critical Xs.
Neuer Kurs in der deutschen Schule für Lean
5S Arbeitsproduktivität
In diesem Kurs erfahren Sie genau, was 5S ist, woher es stammt und warum es um viel mehr als nur um Reinigung geht. Vor allem aber erfahren Sie, wie Sie Ihr eigenes 5S-Programm erstellen oder verbessern können, einschließlich Beispielen aus der Praxis mit unseren Freunden bei FedEx Office
Nuevo Curso de Seis Sigma en Español
El Proceso DMAIC
DMAIC es un enfoque de cinco fases para diseñar, entregar y sostener proyectos de mejora. Aprenda los objetivos de cada fase, las actividades estructuradas de cada fase, las herramientas estadísticas comunes y las técnicas de análisis utilizadas durante cada fase, cómo llevar a cabo revisiones de puerta de peaje entre cada fase y cómo los líderes de proyecto deben manejar el cierre del proyecto.
Neuer Lean Kurs
Einführung in Lean
Lean ist eine Reihe von etablierten und weit verbreiteten Managementmethoden. Diese schaffen Werte aus der Perspektive des Kunden, verbessern Prozesse und fördern den Respekt für die Menschen.
Mit Lean konzentrieren sich Unternehmen oder Organisationen auf die Beseitigung von Verschwendung und auf Aktivitäten, die keinen Mehrwert für den Kunden bringen. Der Begriff „schlankes Unternehmen“ bezieht sich auf eine gesamte Lieferkette oder Industrie, die mit einheitlichen Lean-Systemen und ‑Prozessen arbeitet.
Nuevo Curso de Lean
8D Resolucion de Problemas
8d, 8 disciplinas, ocho disciplinas, resolución de problemas 8d, resolución de problemas, 8d de ford, análisis de causa raíz, descripción del problema, equipo multifuncional, acción correctiva, contención, contención provisional, poka-yoke, a prueba de errores, prevención de la recurrencia, enunciado del problema, reconocimiento, validación, verificación, punto de fuga, puntos de fuga, punto de generación, puntos de generación.
Nuevo Curso de Seis Sigma
3C Resolucion de Problemas
3C, resolución de problemas 3C, preocupación causa contramedida, preocupación, causa, contramedida, 8d, evento kaizen, resolución de problemas a3, dmaic, seis sigma, kaizen, resolución de problemas, contención, escalamiento.
Neuer Lean Kurs
7 Verschwendungsarten
In diesem Kurs werden Ihnen die sieben Verschwendungsarten näher erläutert, welche Ursachen sie haben und welche Folgen sie für Ihr Unternehmen haben können. Sie werden auch erfahren, wie Sie mit Kanban und 5S gegen jede einzelne Verschwendung vorgehen können.
Nuevo Curso de Seis Sigma
Gráficos y Tablas
Cuando se trata de ver cómo los procesos cambian con el tiempo, la capacidad de graficar y crear tablas de datos puede ser invaluable, especialmente para los profesionales de la mejora continua. Los gráficos y las tablas pueden incluso ayudar a resaltar diferentes atributos de los mismos datos. Pero, ¿cómo sabemos si estamos utilizando las mejores visualizaciones para nuestro conjunto de datos en particular? Este curso te ayudará a tomar esa decisión.
Nuevo Curso de Seis Sigma en Español
Entradas Críticas
En el enfoque DMAIC de Seis Sigma identificamos, evaluamos y optimizamos las entradas críticas, o Xs críticas, que influyen significativamente en nuestra métrica principal y el rendimiento general del proceso. Aprendan a usar herramientas como el mapeo de procesos, la Matriz de Causa y Efecto y el FMEA para identificar las entradas de procesos y reducirlas a las Xs críticas.
The content presented on this page is provided as a resource only. It is not intended as a promise or contract of any content that we will produce in the future. You should not make any buying decisions based upon the content presented on this page.