Upcoming Content

Our Con­tent Devel­op­ment team is hard at work to add even more fresh, new con­tent to Gem­ba Acad­e­my’s pre­mier train­ing library. With a focus on pro­vid­ing the lat­est knowl­edge and skills, these upcom­ing cours­es, vir­tu­al tours, and oth­er learn­ing resources are designed to enhance your learn­ing expe­ri­ence and sup­port your pro­fes­sion­al growth. Here are some of the cours­es that are cur­rent­ly under development:

Fault tree analysis new videos

Refreshed Course

Fault Tree Analysis

Fault Tree Analy­sis is a top-down, deduc­tive approach to under­stand­ing how a series of low­er-lev­el events can result in an unde­sired event, acci­dent, or equip­ment fail­ure. This dia­gram uses a set of sym­bols to rep­re­sent for­mal log­ic and to assign prob­a­bil­i­ties. Per­form­ing Fault Tree Analy­sis helps us to under­stand how spe­cif­ic sys­tems can fail, assign risk rates, and iden­ti­fy the best ways to reduce these risks.

Time management new videos

New Lead­er­ship Course

Time Man­age­ment

Time man­age­ment is a set of prac­tices that helps us become more effi­cient, bal­ance work and life, and reduce wast­ed time. It’s a key enabler of suc­cess both in our per­son­al and pro­fes­sion­al lives. There are many proven time man­age­ment prac­tices and tech­niques, but also myths and mis­con­cep­tions that hold peo­ple back. An impor­tant part of time man­age­ment is to start with goals and pri­or­i­ties, per­form a self-assess­ment, and select one or two areas to start improv­ing. Whether we strug­gle with over­com­mit­ment, inter­rup­tions, pro­cras­ti­na­tion, emails, or oth­er time loss­es, you will learn strate­gies and tech­niques for becom­ing bet­ter at time management.

Introduction to six sigma new videosl

Refreshed Six Sig­ma Course

Intro­duc­tion to Six Sigma

Six Sig­ma is a data-dri­ven approach to improv­ing qual­i­ty and effi­cien­cy in busi­ness process­es. Six Sig­ma aims for near-per­fect per­for­mance, tar­get­ing a goal of no more than 3.4 defects per mil­lion oppor­tu­ni­ties. The method­ol­o­gy employs the frame­work of DMA­IC (Define, Mea­sure, Ana­lyze, Improve, Con­trol) for deliv­er­ing improve­ment projects. Six Sig­ma prac­ti­tion­ers use sta­tis­ti­cal tools to iden­ti­fy root caus­es of defects and inef­fi­cien­cies, enabling pre­cise solu­tions that improve out­comes, increase cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion, and con­tribute sig­nif­i­cant­ly to orga­ni­za­tion­al cost reduc­tion and profitability.

Introduction to statistics

Refreshed Six Sig­ma Course

Intro­duc­tion to Statistics

Sta­tis­tics is the sci­ence of col­lect­ing, ana­lyz­ing, pre­sent­ing, and inter­pret­ing data. Sta­tis­tics pro­vides meth­ods for design­ing exper­i­ments, tech­niques for ana­lyz­ing data and mak­ing informed deci­sions. Learn the dif­fer­ences between descrip­tive and infer­en­tial sta­tis­tics, and how to use each. This dis­ci­pline is essen­tial for enabling pro­fes­sion­als and researchers to eval­u­ate trends, test the­o­ries, and dri­ve improve­ment and inno­va­tion in any industry.

Descriptive statistics

Refreshed Six Sig­ma Course

Descrip­tive Statistics

Know­ing how to improve your process­es and work­flow depends on how well you can inter­pret the data you col­lect dur­ing your test­ing phas­es. Even if data is col­lect­ed appro­pri­ate­ly, if it is report­ed and inter­pret­ed incor­rect­ly, it will not improve your organization’s per­for­mance. To make sure that every­one on your team can cor­rect­ly read and inter­pret your data, learn more about descrip­tive sta­tis­tics and how to prop­er­ly use them in your quest to improve your organization.

Graphs and charts

Refreshed Six Sig­ma Course

Graphs and Charts

When it comes to see­ing how process­es change over time, the abil­i­ty to graph data can be invalu­able, espe­cial­ly for con­tin­u­ous improve­ment prac­ti­tion­ers. They can even help empha­size dif­fer­ent attrib­ut­es of the same data. But with so many graphs out there, how do you know if you’re using the best Lean or Six Sig­ma chart for your par­tic­u­lar data set? This course will answer that ques­tion for you.

7 qc tools refresh new videos

Refreshed School of Lean Course

Sev­en Qual­i­ty Con­trol (7QC) Tools

The Sev­en Qual­i­ty Con­trol (7 QC) Tools are an essen­tial­ set of graph­ing tech­niques that are used to iden­ti­fy and fix prob­lems that under­mine prod­uct or process qual­i­ty. The 7 QC Tools pro­vide con­tin­u­ous improve­ment prac­ti­tion­ers with a sys­tem­at­ic approach for iden­ti­fy­ing and trou­bleshoot­ing qual­i­ty issues. Learn the sev­en qual­i­ty con­trol tools and how to use them with­in your orga­ni­za­tion. *This course is an update to our exist­ing course.

Early equip management new videos

New School of Lean Course

Ear­ly Equip­ment Man­age­ment (TPM)

Orga­ni­za­tions can great­ly improve the reli­a­bil­i­ty, safe­ty, qual­i­ty, and over­all effec­tive­ness of their equip­ment by prac­tic­ing TPM and oth­er con­tin­u­ous improve­ment meth­ods. How­ev­er, some basic design flaws in equip­ment are too tech­ni­cal­ly chal­leng­ing or cost­ly to improve. Ear­ly equip­ment man­age­ment, or EEM, is an approach for max­i­miz­ing the effi­cien­cy and lifes­pan of equip­ment from the ear­li­est design stages.

Critical inputs thumbnail new videos

Refreshed Six Sig­ma Course

Crit­i­cal Inputs

In the Six Sig­ma DMA­IC approach we iden­ti­fy, eval­u­ate, and opti­mize the crit­i­cal inputs, or Xs, that sig­nif­i­cant­ly influ­ence our pri­ma­ry met­ric and over­all process per­for­mance. Learn how to use tools like process map­ping, the Cause & Effect Matrix, and FMEA to iden­ti­fy process inputs and nar­row them down to the crit­i­cal Xs.

5 S arbeitsplatz new videos

Neuer Kurs in der deutschen Schule für Lean

5S Arbeit­spro­duk­tiv­ität

In diesem Kurs erfahren Sie genau, was 5S ist, woher es stammt und warum es um viel mehr als nur um Reini­gung geht. Vor allem aber erfahren Sie, wie Sie Ihr eigenes 5S-Pro­gramm erstellen oder verbessern kön­nen, ein­schließlich Beispie­len aus der Prax­is mit unseren Fre­un­den bei FedEx Office

El proceso dmaic new video

Nue­vo Cur­so de Seis Sig­ma en Español

El Pro­ce­so DMAIC

DMA­IC es un enfoque de cin­co fas­es para dis­eñar, entre­gar y sosten­er proyec­tos de mejo­ra. Apren­da los obje­tivos de cada fase, las activi­dades estruc­turadas de cada fase, las her­ramien­tas estadís­ti­cas comunes y las téc­ni­cas de análi­sis uti­lizadas durante cada fase, cómo lle­var a cabo revi­siones de puer­ta de pea­je entre cada fase y cómo los líderes de proyec­to deben mane­jar el cierre del proyecto.

Einführung in lean new videos

Neuer Lean Kurs

Ein­führung in Lean

Lean ist eine Rei­he von etablierten und weit ver­bre­it­eten Man­age­ment­meth­o­d­en. Diese schaf­fen Werte aus der Per­spek­tive des Kun­den, verbessern Prozesse und fördern den Respekt für die Menschen.

Mit Lean konzen­tri­eren sich Unternehmen oder Organ­i­sa­tio­nen auf die Besei­t­i­gung von Ver­schwen­dung und auf Aktiv­itäten, die keinen Mehrw­ert für den Kun­den brin­gen. Der Begriff schlankes Unternehmen“ bezieht sich auf eine gesamte Liefer­kette oder Indus­trie, die mit ein­heitlichen Lean-Sys­te­men und ‑Prozessen arbeitet.

8d resolucion de problemas new videos

Nue­vo Cur­so de Lean

8D Res­olu­cion de Problemas

8d, 8 dis­ci­plinas, ocho dis­ci­plinas, res­olu­ción de prob­le­mas 8d, res­olu­ción de prob­le­mas, 8d de ford, análi­sis de causa raíz, descrip­ción del prob­le­ma, equipo mul­ti­fun­cional, acción cor­rec­ti­va, con­tención, con­tención pro­vi­sion­al, poka-yoke, a prue­ba de errores, pre­ven­ción de la recur­ren­cia, enun­ci­a­do del prob­le­ma, reconocimien­to, val­i­dación, ver­i­fi­cación, pun­to de fuga, pun­tos de fuga, pun­to de gen­eración, pun­tos de generación.

3c resolucion de problemas new videos

Nue­vo Cur­so de Seis Sigma

3C Res­olu­cion de Problemas

3C, res­olu­ción de prob­le­mas 3C, pre­ocu­pación causa con­trame­di­da, pre­ocu­pación, causa, con­trame­di­da, 8d, even­to kaizen, res­olu­ción de prob­le­mas a3, dma­ic, seis sig­ma, kaizen, res­olu­ción de prob­le­mas, con­tención, escalamiento.

7 verschwendungsarten new videos

Neuer Lean Kurs

7 Ver­schwen­dungsarten

In diesem Kurs wer­den Ihnen die sieben Ver­schwen­dungsarten näher erläutert, welche Ursachen sie haben und welche Fol­gen sie für Ihr Unternehmen haben kön­nen. Sie wer­den auch erfahren, wie Sie mit Kan­ban und 5S gegen jede einzelne Ver­schwen­dung vorge­hen können.

Graficos tablas new videos

Nue­vo Cur­so de Seis Sigma

Grá­fi­cos y Tablas

Cuan­do se tra­ta de ver cómo los pro­ce­sos cam­bian con el tiem­po, la capaci­dad de graficar y crear tablas de datos puede ser invalu­able, espe­cial­mente para los pro­fe­sion­ales de la mejo­ra con­tin­ua. Los grá­fi­cos y las tablas pueden inclu­so ayu­dar a resaltar difer­entes atrib­u­tos de los mis­mos datos. Pero, ¿cómo sabe­mos si esta­mos uti­lizan­do las mejores visu­al­iza­ciones para nue­stro con­jun­to de datos en par­tic­u­lar? Este cur­so te ayu­dará a tomar esa decisión.

Entradas criticas you tube thumbnail new videos

Nue­vo Cur­so de Seis Sig­ma en Español

Entradas Críti­cas

En el enfoque DMA­IC de Seis Sig­ma iden­ti­fi­camos, eval­u­amos y opti­mizamos las entradas críti­cas, o Xs críti­cas, que influyen sig­ni­fica­ti­va­mente en nues­tra métri­ca prin­ci­pal y el rendimien­to gen­er­al del pro­ce­so. Apren­dan a usar her­ramien­tas como el mapeo de pro­ce­sos, la Matriz de Causa y Efec­to y el FMEA para iden­ti­ficar las entradas de pro­ce­sos y reducir­las a las Xs críticas.

The content presented on this page is provided as a resource only. It is not intended as a promise or contract of any content that we will produce in the future. You should not make any buying decisions based upon the content presented on this page.