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Self-Awareness for Effective Leadership

Effec­tive lead­ers deliv­er results by mak­ing good deci­sions, act­ing with integri­ty, com­mu­ni­cat­ing well, adapt­ing to change, and inspir­ing oth­ers. Each per­son has their own strengths, weak­ness­es, and ten­den­cies, and this influ­ences how effec­tive we are. Self-aware lead­ers are more effec­tive because they are con­scious of their thoughts, emo­tions, and capa­bil­i­ties, and they can be inten­tion­al about their behav­ior and how it impacts oth­ers. Learn the 7 ways we can lever­age self-aware­ness for effec­tive leadership.

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