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How to Use Feedback to Develop Self-Awareness

Self-aware­ness involves under­stand­ing our own emo­tions, strengths, weak­ness­es, needs, and dri­ves. We can achieve much of this through indi­vid­ual reflec­tion and obser­va­tion. How­ev­er, in order to gain a deep­er and more com­plete under­stand­ing of our­selves, we must also seek, lis­ten to, and use exter­nal feed­back. Learn the five rea­sons that exter­nal feed­back is cru­cial for devel­op­ing self-aware­ness, and the impor­tance of know­ing key dif­fer­ences between our self-image and our pub­lic image.

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