Abstract poly wave
School of Leadership

Adaptive Leadership

Learn how adap­tive lead­er­ship and its var­i­ous approach­es pro­vide lead­ers with the tools and skills need­ed to lead in a vari­ety of sit­u­a­tions and rapid­ly chang­ing envi­ron­ments. This course intro­duces four foun­da­tion­al lead­er­ship styles, includ­ing direc­tive, sup­port­ive, coach­ing, and del­e­gat­ing, and explains how to use each style appro­pri­ate­ly based on dif­fer­ent sit­u­a­tions. Learn­ers will also see the impor­tance of self-aware­ness and reflec­tion in iden­ti­fy­ing their pre­ferred lead­er­ship style, as well as how to give effec­tive instruc­tions and del­e­gate tasks. The course con­cludes with best prac­tices for using adap­tive lead­er­ship, includ­ing how to avoid com­mon pit­falls and keep a clear pur­pose in mind.