Bring Your LMS

If you’re already invest­ed in your own Learn­ing Man­age­ment Sys­tem (LMS), you can inte­grate Gem­ba Acad­e­my’s best-in-class orga­ni­za­tion­al improve­ment train­ing library right along­side your exist­ing mate­ri­als. Keep learn­ing seam­less for your asso­ciates, and track all of your com­pli­ance in one place.

Team watching 3c course

Uni­fied Learn­ing Experience

Train­ing con­sis­ten­cy is key for engag­ing your asso­ciates and lead­ers in estab­lish­ing an improve­ment-focused cul­ture. With a Gem­ba Acad­e­my LMS inte­gra­tion, you take that to the next lev­el by plac­ing our pre­mi­um improve­ment train­ing and your exist­ing com­pa­ny train­ing in the same famil­iar system.

Factory team meeting

Engage and Benchmark

Your learn­ers will appre­ci­ate Gem­ba Acad­e­my’s micro-learn­ing approach to train­ing, with short engag­ing videos, les­son overviews, and down­load­able tem­plates to get them start­ed. Plus, the Gem­ba Acad­e­my Live! vir­tu­al tours give you the chance to bench­mark your pro­grams against lead­ing improve­ment-focused organizations.

Partner with Gemba Academy

Grow­ing Catalog

All Videos Included

Your LMS Inte­gra­tion sub­scrip­tion gives you access to our entire cat­a­log of train­ing videos, mate­ri­als, tem­plates, and more.

Plus, we are always devel­op­ing new train­ing based on our cus­tomer’s most press­ing needs, and you will get access to this train­ing at no addi­tion­al costs!

  • School of Lean

  • School of Six Sigma

  • School of Leadership

  • Gem­ba Acad­e­my Live!

  • Escuela Lean

You Won’t Walk Alone

Customer Success

Upon pur­chase, you will meet your ded­i­cat­ed cus­tomer suc­cess man­ag­er who will get you onboard­ed and ready for success.

At Gem­ba Acad­e­my you are more than a cus­tomer, you are a val­ued part­ner. We want to see you thrive and suc­ceed by mak­ing small improve­ments every day.

  • Sin­gle Point of Contact

  • Per­son­al­ized Onboarding

  • World Class Support

  • Annu­al Check-ins

  • Goal & Suc­cess Plan­ning Assistance


Wide LMS Support

With our LMS inte­gra­tion, there are no com­pli­cat­ed con­nec­tions or APIs required. You will sim­ply embed our videos either direct­ly in your LMS or using your favorite eLearn­ing devel­op­ment tools. To track progress, you will uti­lize down­load­able SCORM files for each mod­ule’s quiz.

Hun­dreds of our cus­tomers have suc­cess­ful­ly inte­grat­ed Gem­ba Acad­e­my train­ing with the most well-known LMSs, as well as home-grown systems.

  • Cornerstone logo
  • Docebo lms logo
  • Litmos logo
  • Saba logo
  • Successfactor logo
  • Workday logo

LMS Inte­gra­tion Benefits

  • Flex­i­ble

    You will have access to the entire Gem­ba Acad­e­my library, and curate just what you need for orga­ni­za­tion­al success.

  • Com­pli­ant

    Track your learn­er’s course com­ple­tion along­side all of your oth­er com­pli­ance training.

  • Inte­grat­ed

    Your improve­ment train­ing will be side-by-side with your exist­ing famil­iar LMS.

  • Com­pre­hen­sive

    Our cat­a­log of micro-learn­ing train­ing con­tent is per­fect for begin­ners and advanced prac­ti­tion­ers alike.