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How to Use 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Level QFD Matrices
As we create the level 1 QFD House of Quality and identify the critical technical requirements, we must advance our efforts by developing detailed requirements. This ensures that we meet customer needs at every stage of product development and production.
Learn the steps to doing this by creating the 2nd, 3rd, 4th level or even more advanced matrices.
Course Videos
What Is QFD Quality Function Deployment?
2How to Create a House of Quality 1st Level QFD Matrix
3How to Collect Voice of the Customer Data
4How To Convert VOC Data Into Measurable Customer Requirements
5How to Translate Customer Requirements into Technical Requirements Part 1 of 2
6How to Translate Customer Requirements into Technical Requirements Part 2 of 2
Current Video
How to Use 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Level QFD Matrices
Next VideoKeys to Implementing QFD
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