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Ron takes a walk across the park­ing lot to the Chem­i­cal H4 build­ing. He meets up with Ron Shouse, (In-House Chem­i­cal Guru) and Main­te­nance Coor­di­na­tor along with Ron­nie Phelps, (Inven­tor) and Print­er at Texas Name­plate. All three Rons dis­cuss how TNC cre­at­ed and uses their water recy­cling system.

  • 0:30 — an Intro­duc­tion to the two Ron’s
  • 01:40 — How is the water recy­cling sys­tem impor­tant to their sus­tain­abil­i­ty efforts?
  • 03:30 — The chal­lenges of their old facility
  • 04:00 — How much water do they recycle?
  • 04:25 — How does the water recy­cling sys­tem work?
  • 07:55 — How long does it take for water to be recycled?
  • 08:40 — Future Plans for improv­ing the recy­cling system
  • 10:14 — Why is being green so important?
  • 10:55 — How much mon­ey a year does this sys­tem save?

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