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Mina Hsu, Direc­tor of Sales and Dan Crownover, Admin­is­tra­tive Man­ag­er, walk Ron through the process of how Texas Name­plate worked as a team to go paper­less through­out the facil­i­ty, even devel­op­ing their own ERP.

  • 0:19 — Intro­duc­tion to Mina Hsu
  • 01:00 — The jour­ney from papers to paperless
  • 02:17 — How many trees per year were being killed by their pre­vi­ous process?
  • 03:00 — Oth­er costs sav­ings real­ized by going paperless
  • 03:40 — Pro­duc­tiv­i­ty gains
  • 05:24 — The tran­si­tion process and devel­op­ing their own ERP
  • 09:04 — Advice for get­ting start­ed on a paper­less transition
  • 11:45 — Elim­i­na­tion of papercuts!
  • 13:20 — Run­ning par­al­lel facil­i­ties on the pow­er of paperless

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