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Meet Dan Crownover — A Millennial’s Perspective

Ron meets youngest son and Admin­is­tra­tive Man­ag­er, Dan Crownover. Dan gives us a mil­len­ni­al’s per­spec­tive about the busi­ness, about sus­tain­abil­i­ty, and where he see the future of the business.

  • 0:34 — Dan’s his­to­ry at the company
  • 3:20 — What does sus­tain­abil­i­ty mean to Dan and Texas Nameplate?
  • 4:30 — What’s the next step in this jour­ney? How does this affect millennial’s?
  • 6:47 — Ron relates Texas Name­plates efforts to those of a kaizen culture
  • 8:20 — How does green fit with lean? What are the cost savings?

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