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Leadership as a Design Problem — Frode Odegard
Leadership is the ongoing process of defining a shared goal or purpose and inducing others to pursue it. There are many approaches to achieving this, and in this short talk, we will review and compare a number of leadership styles, including Lean Leadership. We will also discuss how leaders gain, keep and lose credibility with their followers Leadership Capital.
Series Videos
Values, Agendas, and Change: Kanban's Bigger Picture - Mike Burrows
2Indefinite Unsustainable Pace - Eric Green
3The Inner Game of Kanban - Russell Healy
4Moving Thousands of People to Kanban in 16 Months - Koren, Yaholom, Yeret
Current Video
Leadership as a Design Problem - Frode Odegard
Next VideoImproving Lean Kanban in Large Distributed Teams - Luke Hohmann