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Values, Agendas, and Change: Kanban’s Bigger Picture — Mike Burrows
From its early origins, the Kanban Method was applied to organizational problems of significant scale and impact, where much was at stake. Despite this, many Kanban adoptions seem by comparison rather limited in their ambition. Using a modern interpretation of the method based on the language of values and agendas, this talk will explain how “the humane, start with what you do now approach to change” seeks to tackle not just team-level concerns but bigger organizational challenges.
Series Videos
Currently playing
Values, Agendas, and Change: Kanban's Bigger Picture - Mike Burrows
Next VideoIndefinite Unsustainable Pace - Eric Green
3The Inner Game of Kanban - Russell Healy
4Moving Thousands of People to Kanban in 16 Months - Koren, Yaholom, Yeret
5Leadership as a Design Problem - Frode Odegard
6Improving Lean Kanban in Large Distributed Teams - Luke Hohmann