The Gemba Academy Learning System is currently experiencing issues with it's certificate and is offline. We are working with our 3rd-party vendor on recovering the system.

Abstract painting

Lean Kanban NA - Kanban

The first prin­ci­ple of the Kan­ban Method is Start with what you do now”. Take the cur­rent work and work­ers and the cur­rent process and apply kan­ban to improve vis­i­bil­i­ty, col­lab­o­ra­tion, risk man­age­ment, and pre­dictabil­i­ty. What does the humane, start with what you do now Kan­ban Method have to say about change? A lot! We’ve orga­nized the Kan­ban track in a pro­gres­sion inspired by Kanban’s three agen­das for change”. The sus­tain­abil­i­ty agen­da: bal­anc­ing demand and capa­bil­i­ty at indi­vid­ual, team and depart­ment lev­el, col­lab­o­ra­tive improve­ment. The ser­vice ori­en­ta­tion agen­da: antic­i­pat­ing cus­tomer needs, achiev­ing end-to-end flow, process inno­va­tion. The sur­viv­abil­i­ty agen­da: the pur­suit of fit­ness for pur­pose, cor­po­rate adapt­abil­i­ty, dis­ci­plined leadership.