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Product Management and Systems Thinking — Arne Roock
When working in a medium-sized or large organization, usually a lot of different teams/departments are involved in developing and especially maintaining a successful product. Often the challenge is not so much to make single teams/departments more efficient. Instead, it’s mostly about how teams/departments interact with each other. Poor performance (long lead times, low quality, rework, customer dissatisfaction) resulting from a lack of efficient inter-team collaboration can be observed in many different organizations.
Series Videos
From Fragile to Agile: The Four Roles of Product Management - Steve Johnson
Current Video
Product Management and Systems Thinking - Arne Roock
Next VideoLean Application Lifecycle Management - Dave West
4Black Swan Farming Using Cost of Delay - Joshua Arnold & Özlem Yüce
5Demystifying Agile Product Management - Rich Mironov
6Wiki Management: The Future of Management - Rod Collins