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Lean Application Lifecycle Management — Dave West
For many 21st century companies software provides competitive advantage. Delivering software faster and of a higher quality has a direct impact on the business bottom line. But according to the Standish Groups CHAOS report only a third of projects are successful with two thirds being late, cancelled or not delivering the functionality requested. The business process of software delivery is broken and it is time to fix it, it is time to apply Lean to the business process of software delivery.
Series Videos
From Fragile to Agile: The Four Roles of Product Management - Steve Johnson
2Product Management and Systems Thinking - Arne Roock
Current Video
Lean Application Lifecycle Management - Dave West
Next VideoBlack Swan Farming Using Cost of Delay - Joshua Arnold & Özlem Yüce
5Demystifying Agile Product Management - Rich Mironov
6Wiki Management: The Future of Management - Rod Collins