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Black Swan Farming Using Cost of Delay — Joshua Arnold & Özlem Yüce
Improving prioritization has become a tired concept in most IT departments, and yet it has the potential to change the conversation from one of cutting cost, to delivering valuable solutions as quick as the business needs it.
Most organizations don’t suffer from a lack of innovative ideas, they suffer from not being able to pick the best of what turns out to be a bad bunch. Thanks to the consumerization of IT and software eating the world this is getting worse.
Series Videos
From Fragile to Agile: The Four Roles of Product Management - Steve Johnson
2Product Management and Systems Thinking - Arne Roock
3Lean Application Lifecycle Management - Dave West
Current Video
Black Swan Farming Using Cost of Delay - Joshua Arnold & Özlem Yüce
Next VideoDemystifying Agile Product Management - Rich Mironov
6Wiki Management: The Future of Management - Rod Collins