Cus­tomer Success

Gemba Academy for Healthcare

Lean and Six Sig­ma prin­ci­ples can be lever­aged in vir­tu­al­ly any indus­try, and health­care is no excep­tion. From max­i­miz­ing oper­at­ing room usage, to improv­ing com­mu­ni­ca­tion between doc­tors and nurs­es, to reduc­ing med­ical sup­ply waste and ER wait times, there are count­less ways that con­tin­u­ous improve­ment can have a pro­found impact on your facility.

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Our personalized process leads to success

Our engag­ing video-based cur­ricu­lum teach­es you how to remove the strug­gle so you can focus on what mat­ters most: the patients.

Franciscan health supply cabinet
Franciscan health logo medium res

What Can Lean and Six Sigma Do for You?

Lean improvements don’t have to be drastic to yield impressive results.

The Endoscopy team at Franciscan Health in Indianapolis noticed that their patients were struggling to swallow the nasty liquid required for an already uncomfortable probe procedure. A simple switch to applesauce not only greatly increased patient satisfaction, but now saves the organization $30,000 annually.

Customer Success

Whether you’re a small pri­vate prac­tice, a hos­pi­tal net­work, or a non­prof­it orga­ni­za­tion, we will work with you to find a sub­scrip­tion pack­age that best meets your needs. Some of our health­care cus­tomers have included:

  • Cleveland clinic hi res
  • Kaiser permanente hi res
  • Merck hi res
  • Pfizer hi res

Sample Resources

Review just some of our training material relevant to healthcare.