Gemba Academy for the Automotive Industry
Lean manufacturing principles have revolutionized the automotive industry. If you visit any car manufacturing facility, you will see various lean processes in place and systems designed to create value by saving costs and time. Lean manufacturing techniques enable these businesses the ability to run streamlined processes, reduce project costs, flow with minimal interruptions, and ultimately allow a smoother production.
Our personalized process leads to success
From the production line to management offices, all the way to the accounting department, our engaging video-based training will engage your teams to make daily improvements.
What can Lean and Six Sigma do for you?
Automotive parts manufacturer Lear Corporation implemented Gemba Academy videos into their intranet. This allowed them to switch their continuous improvement education from a "push" system, where trainers would go on-site to conduct training with a limited audience, to a "pull" system, where now everyone from the company presidents to shop floor workers learn the same concepts and tools. But more important than watching the videos, Lear emphasizes taking the concepts from the Gemba Academy training and actually implementing daily improvements and sharing them throughout the company, no matter how small they may seem. The company sees hundreds of these improvements every week in their facilities all over the world. This shared knowledge lets them benefit exponentially over what could be done with traditional training methods.
Customer Success
Whether you’re an automobile manufacturer or supplying technologies for the automobile industry, we will work with you to find a subscription package that best meets your needs. Some of our Automotive customers have included:
Sample Resources