Gantt Chart

A type bar chart to visualize a project schedule. A Gantt Chart uses a series of horizontal lines to indicate the amount of work done in certain periods of time in relation to the amount of work planned for those periods. They show dependencies, the relationships between activities and the current schedule status of the project or set of tasks. Named after its inventor Henry Gantt.

Gap Analysis

The identification of the degree and reasons for the shortfall in the level of performance or capability. The gap is the difference between the target or desired level and the actual level. The gap may be an actual gap, such as the failure to perform an established process or a created gap, such as an ambition to perform at a higher level.


A measuring device.

Gauge R&R

Using statistical methods to analyze the variation in a measurement system to determines whether it is repeatable, i.e. capable producing the consistent results again and again. Gauge R&F also determines whether a measurement process is reproducible, i.e. that another person can take the measurement with the same results. Gage R&R assesses the whole measurement system by checking the use of the instruments in a specific application, rather than the individual instrumentation in isolation.

Gauge Repeatability & Reproducibility


The place where value is added. In production, this is the factory floor. In healthcare, it is wherever patient care is delivered. In education, it is the class room. The gemba is the place where we can see the facts and gain insight on how to improve our processes and deliver customer value. Japanese word for "actual place".

Gemba Walk

The management practice of going to the actual place of work (gemba), directly observing the work, engaging people in respectful inquiry, understanding the current situation, and taking action to support improvement. Gemba Walks may follow a series of processes to ""walk the value stream"" or may involve focused observation of a process the ""stand in the circle"" style. Gemba walks can be done individually or as a group learning activity. Gemba Walks are most effective when they are part of an overall Daily Management System with supporting standards, visuals and routines.

See also Stand in the Circle

See also Daily Management System


The actual product. Japanese word for the same.

Genchi Genbutsu

The phrase used at Toyota to mean "go see for yourself". Literally "actual place actual product" in Japanese. The idea is to confirm the situation by going to see and getting the facts for yourself rather than relying on second-hand reports.

Go / No-Go Gauge

A two-part tool that tests the two ranges of a tolerance. One part of the Go / No-go gauge tests the acceptable or "go" extreme of the tolerance and the other tests the unacceptable or "no-go" tolerance.

Go to Gemba

Go See

Green Belt

A Six Sigma practitioner trained in the DMAIC approach. Green Belts typically work on process improvement projects supported by, or in support of Black Belts. Green Belts are generally not 100 dedicated% to improvement activity but may spend as much as 20% of their time on them.


A process, project, plant or other set of tasks that lacks constraints imposed by previous work or infrastructure. The term comes from construction on green field of land where there are no existing buildings or infrastructure to constrain the work.

Group Leader

The term for front-line supervisors at Toyota who typically lead a group of four teams or approximately 20 workers. Group leaders duties may include planning production, reporting results, coordination of improvement activities, scheduling vacation, manpower planning, team members development, daily audits of 5S and safety, daily audits of subordinate team leaders' standard work, testing new methods or process changes, and so forth.