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Using Self-Directed Teams to Engage and Empower — Doug Kirkpatrick
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to work at a company with no bosses? In this session, Doug Kirkpatrick will share that experience from his personal point of view. Learn how Morning Star, the largest tomato processing operation in the world, operates with no supervisors, managers or bosses. Even though the company utilizes a seasonal workforce it has extremely high employee retention – including seasonal workers who regularly return year after year.
Series Videos
Beyond Budgeting: An Agile Management Model and Case Study - Bjarte Bogsnes
2Moving Beyond Budgets to Create More Agile, Adaptive Organizations - Steve Player
3Why HOLT CAT Eliminated Budgets and How It Made Us Successful - Gretchen Stepke
Current Video
Using Self-Directed Teams to Engage and Empower - Doug Kirkpatrick
Next VideoEliminating Budgets to Enable Lean Management - Kevin Meyer
6Beyond Cost Transparency: Developing and Applying IT Cost Knowledge - Steve Adams