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Using Self-Directed Teams to Engage and Empower — Doug Kirkpatrick

Have you ever won­dered what it would be like to work at a com­pa­ny with no boss­es? In this ses­sion, Doug Kirk­patrick will share that expe­ri­ence from his per­son­al point of view. Learn how Morn­ing Star, the largest toma­to pro­cess­ing oper­a­tion in the world, oper­ates with no super­vi­sors, man­agers or boss­es. Even though the com­pa­ny uti­lizes a sea­son­al work­force it has extreme­ly high employ­ee reten­tion – includ­ing sea­son­al work­ers who reg­u­lar­ly return year after year.

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