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Eliminating Budgets to Enable Lean Management — Kevin Meyer
A medical device company was several years into a lean transformation when conventional accounting practices such as annual budgeting and standard costing began to create barriers and be recognized as wasteful processes in their own right. After learning about Beyond Budgeting, the President, Kevin Meyer, decided it was time to change. This session will discuss that change, including short-term and long-term issues that were resolved, and how it fit into a long term lean transformation effort.
Series Videos
Beyond Budgeting: An Agile Management Model and Case Study - Bjarte Bogsnes
2Moving Beyond Budgets to Create More Agile, Adaptive Organizations - Steve Player
3Why HOLT CAT Eliminated Budgets and How It Made Us Successful - Gretchen Stepke
4Using Self-Directed Teams to Engage and Empower - Doug Kirkpatrick
Current Video
Eliminating Budgets to Enable Lean Management - Kevin Meyer
Next VideoBeyond Cost Transparency: Developing and Applying IT Cost Knowledge - Steve Adams