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Eliminating Budgets to Enable Lean Management — Kevin Meyer

A med­ical device com­pa­ny was sev­er­al years into a lean trans­for­ma­tion when con­ven­tion­al account­ing prac­tices such as annu­al bud­get­ing and stan­dard cost­ing began to cre­ate bar­ri­ers and be rec­og­nized as waste­ful process­es in their own right. After learn­ing about Beyond Bud­get­ing, the Pres­i­dent, Kevin Mey­er, decid­ed it was time to change. This ses­sion will dis­cuss that change, includ­ing short-term and long-term issues that were resolved, and how it fit into a long term lean trans­for­ma­tion effort.

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