Collaborative Partnership Opportunities

Learn how we work with MEPs and con­sor­tiums to deliv­er Lean, Six Sig­ma, and Lead­er­ship train­ing to your clients.

Collaborative partnership
Partnership access

Part­ner­ship Access

Gain insights quick­ly with our short, impact­ful videos designed for microlearn­ing. Tai­lor your learn­ing and con­sult­ing ses­sions with diverse resources and real-world exam­ples. Ready to see how? Fill out our form for more details.

MEP content


Access to a curat­ed selec­tion of on-demand train­ing videos to ele­vate your exper­tise. Our focused con­tent is here to refine your approach to effi­cien­cy and client sat­is­fac­tion. Inter­est­ed? Reach out for more information.

MEP certifications


Stream­line your cer­ti­fi­ca­tion coach­ing process with our sup­port­ive tools and per­son­al­ized ses­sions. Enhance your reach and align with your clients’ goals more effec­tive­ly. Curi­ous about our approach? Con­tact us to learn more.

Referral compensation

Refer­ral Compensation

Dis­cov­er how you can ben­e­fit from our refer­ral com­pen­sa­tion oppor­tu­ni­ties. Join our net­work and let’s grow togeth­er. For more infor­ma­tion on how to par­tic­i­pate, sub­mit your inquiry today.

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