Videos will not play

Our videos use HTML 5 embedding and .mp4 encoding. Here are the most common reasons videos fail to playback and how you can fix it.

Video Files or Resources are blocked by a firewall or proxy

In corporate environments, sometimes IT policy will block video files from the internet. In this case, you must work with your IT department to get mp4 and m3u8 files unblocked from the firewall or proxy.

Additionally, some internet resources that are required for our video player to load may be blocked as well. Some common error codes for this will be 202011 or 224003.

The following domains must be whitelisted for proper video playback:

  • *
  • *
  • *
  • *.`
  • *
  • *

Browser is not compatible

Try using a different internet browser to view our videos. We are compatible with the latest versions of Edge, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.

Check your internet browser

If you don't have a different browser and cannot / will not install a new one, make sure you have the latest updates for your browser installed. Check your browser's help documents on how to update your browser.

Slow or insufficient bandwidth

Streaming online video is a bandwidth-intensive operation. Please check your internet speed and verify it is sufficient for online video playback. A 1.5 Mbps or higher speed should result in a smooth video experience.

Check your internet speed

Browser Cache

Occasionally your browser cache needs to be cleared for videos to start working properly again. Refer to your browser's documentation to learn to do this.

Bandwidth Limited by Corporate Network

Some corporate networks limit the amount of streaming video a person can watch in a given time period. You will need to work with your IT department to reset or upgrade your daily bandwidth quota.

None of this

Contact us and give us as much detail as possible including:

  • What error messages are you receiving?
  • What browser and browser version are you using?