Abstract painting
TWI - Training Within Industry

Job Relations (JR) for Facilitators

Job Rela­tions (JR) is a fun­da­men­tal ele­ment of Lean and an impor­tant com­po­nent of TWI. Its pur­pose is to devel­op the skill of lead­ing. Used cor­rect­ly JR will help super­vi­sors, and any oth­er leader of peo­ple, avoid prob­lems though proven prin­ci­ples. And if prob­lems do arise JR pro­vides a 4‑step process for han­dling the sit­u­a­tion in a fact based, non-emo­tion­al, man­ner. The Facil­i­ta­tor” ver­sion of this JR course can be used to pre­pare for your own 5‑day, in per­son, JR course. You will be able to see a live, 5‑day JR course, unfold before your eyes as Roger Bilas leads 10 stu­dents through the entire 10-hour course. You’ll see the stu­dents learn and grow through­out the week while also see­ing how Roger helps the stu­dents work through the JR process. 

Once you’ve com­plet­ed this facil­i­ta­tor’s course you can then use the Learn­ers” ver­sion of this course to con­duct your own 5‑day JR course.