Abstract connected lines
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)

TPM Workshop

In this pre-record­ed, live train­ing sem­i­nar shot at the Peter­bilt Man­u­fac­tur­ing Train­ing Cen­ter in Den­ton, TX, Mike Wrob­lews­ki, a senior lean con­sul­tant from Gem­ba Con­sult­ing and the Kaizen Insti­tute explains why Total Pro­duc­tive Main­te­nance (TPM) is not option­al for lean think­ing com­pa­nies who rely on machines and equip­ment to sat­is­fy cus­tomer demand. Dur­ing this course Mike explains what TPM is, and isn’t, while also cov­er­ing impor­tant top­ics such as the 6 Big Loss­es and how to mea­sure them using the extreme­ly pow­er­ful Over­all Equip­ment Effec­tive­ness (OEE) metric.