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FMEA AIAG & VDA Step 6: Optimization
The sixth step in the AIAG FMEA approach is optimization.The purpose of the Process Optimization Step is to determine actions to mitigate risk and assess the effectiveness of those actions. Learn the five outcomes of this step and the keys to properly identifying and documenting actions to reduce risk.
Course Videos
Introduction to the AIAG Standard for FMEA
2FMEA AIAG & VDA Step 1: Planning and Preparation
3How to Use the 5Ts for FMEA Project Planning
4FMEA AIAG & VDA Step 2: Structure Analysis
5FMEA AIAG & VDA Step 3: Function Analysis
6FMEA AIAG & VDA Step 4: Failure Analysis
7FMEA AIAG & VDA Step 5: Risk Analysis
8What Is an Action Priority Table in FMEA?
Current Video
FMEA AIAG & VDA Step 6: Optimization
Next VideoFMEA AIAG & VDA Step 7: Results Documentation
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Video Resources
- 09 overview of fmea aiag and vda step 6 optimization
- Pfmea severity rating table
- Pfmea occurrence rating table time based
- Pfmea occurrence rating table incidents per 1k
- Pfmea occurrence rating table
- Pfmea detection rating table
- Action priority table
- Dfmea severity rating table
- Dfmea occurrence rating table
- Dfmea occurrence rating table incidents per 1k
- Dfmea occurrence rating table time based
- Dfmea detection rating table