Abscrapt led rainbow
School of Six Sigma

Statistical Process Control

Sta­tis­ti­cal Process Con­trol, or SPC, is a method to mon­i­tor, con­trol, and enhance process­es. SPC enables us to build con­sis­tent, pre­dictable process­es by study­ing data over time and min­i­miz­ing vari­a­tion. Learn the five steps of Sta­tis­ti­cal Process Con­trol, how to cre­ate a sam­pling plan, set sub­group sizes and sam­ple sizes, the dif­fer­ence between attribute and vari­able data, how to select and cre­ate the appro­pri­ate type of Con­trol Chart for each sit­u­a­tion, and more.