Nature sea
School of Six Sigma

Project Selection

Project selec­tion is the crit­i­cal first step toward improv­ing inter­nal con­di­tions using Six Sigma’s sys­tem­at­ic DMA­IC method — pro­vid­ed you make the right deci­sion.

One bad call can cause a whole host of prob­lems that can undo hard-won progress, cause con­fu­sion, and cre­ate unnec­es­sary dou­ble work for your team.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, select­ing projects isn’t as easy as it sounds.

Most prob­lems don’t auto­mat­i­cal­ly reveal them­selves — and even in sit­u­a­tions where prob­lems are obvi­ous, it’s dif­fi­cult to gain any real insight into whether it’s the best place to focus your efforts.

In this Project Selec­tion Train­ing Course, you’ll learn how to iden­ti­fy a good project using Six Sig­ma best prac­tices and tools to make an informed decision.

What You’ll Learn in this Online Project Selection Course

Like most Six Sig­ma tools and tech­niques, project selec­tion is a data-dri­ven process that aims to elim­i­nate guess­work when it comes to choos­ing where to focus your efforts. 

This process enables orga­ni­za­tions to devel­op a stan­dard­ized selec­tion process that uses a cri­te­ria-based matrix to quick­ly iden­ti­fy the DMA­IC projects worth pri­or­i­tiz­ing. By work­ing through the cri­te­ria, it becomes eas­i­er to prop­er­ly allo­cate resources and avoid wast­ing time on the wrong projects.

In this Project Selec­tion Online Course you’ll learn how to:

  • Per­form a busi­ness needs assess­ment to iden­ti­fy prob­lem areas that align with your busi­ness strat­e­gy and your end-customers.
  • Use the 3 voic­es score­cards to pri­or­i­tize busi­ness needs.
  • Cre­ate prob­lem & objec­tive state­ments that focus on solv­ing prob­lems using SMART goals.
  • Cre­ate a pri­ma­ry met­ric graph in Excel to ana­lyze raw data and mea­sure progress toward achiev­ing goals.
  • Cre­ate a Project Charter. 
  • Cal­cu­late the poten­tial sav­ings of a poten­tial improve­ment project.
  • Facil­i­tate team meet­ings using the Group Devel­op­ment mod­el for man­ag­ing teams, as well as imple­ment a 5‑stage process for man­ag­ing meetings.
Two people planning by quarter

Benefits of this Gemba Academy Project Selection Online Training Course

Par­tic­i­pants will come away from this Project Selec­tion Course with the knowl­edge and tools need­ed to iden­ti­fy, eval­u­ate, and select the projects that deliv­er the biggest impact on your organization.

Gem­ba Acad­e­my mem­bers also receive the fol­low­ing benefits:

  • On-demand Access

    Learn on your own time with access to all Six Sig­ma and Lean cours­es, as well as access to our vir­tu­al tour series, Gem­ba Acad­e­my Live! for all team mem­bers work­ing from the same location.

  • Self-Paced Cours­es

    Each les­son clocks in around the 10-minute mark and pro­vides learn­ers with some­thing they can imme­di­ate­ly apply to their dai­ly work.

  • Sup­ple­men­tal Resources

    Our video train­ing con­tent also includes sup­ple­men­tal resources to max­i­mize knowl­edge reten­tion, such as tem­plates, quizzes, and work­books. In our Project Selec­tion Online Course, we pro­vide tem­plates for all tools men­tioned in the series and explain how and when to use them.