Abstract poly wave
Hoshin Planning

How to Use the X-Matrix

Many orga­ni­za­tions spend time and mon­ey on devel­op­ing a win­ning busi­ness strat­e­gy. How­ev­er, with­out mak­ing sim­i­lar invest­ments in an effec­tive way to put a strat­e­gy into action, these objec­tives remain unre­al­ized. The X‑Matrix pro­vides a for­mat and set of prac­tices to deploy strate­gies. This begins by break­ing down long-term goals into annu­al objec­tives, iden­ti­fy­ing improve­ment pri­or­i­ties, and cre­at­ing own­er­ship for action at all lev­els of the organization.