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Reinterpreting Lean to Reduce Conflicts — Gregory Howell
Task deconfliction has been the primary concern of management since the industrial age. Management practices and tools, including those applied to projects, focused on deconfliction with little concern for synergy. Work flowed through Ford?s production without interference. In projects, the Critical Path Method assures work was done in sequence without interference. In both cases, deconfliction was chosen over synergy.
Series Videos
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2Taking the Risk out of High-Risk Endeavors - Digby Christian
3Using Systems Thinking to (re) Create Education - Trace Pickering
4Using Kata to Address Wicked Problems in Safety - Will Lichtig
Current Video
Reinterpreting Lean to Reduce Conflicts - Gregory Howell
Next VideoDecision Making Across Time and Space: Lessons from NASA - Kathleen Mosier