Abstract building
Internal Logistics

What is Internal Logistics?

As orga­ni­za­tions take steps toward achiev­ing con­tin­u­ous flow, it’s com­mon for one or more sup­port­ing sys­tems to strug­gle. A typ­i­cal prob­lem is that mate­r­i­al han­dling and sup­ply process­es can’t keep up with the faster pace of one-piece flow. In oth­er words, we need to build a sys­tem of inter­nal logis­tics that enables con­tin­u­ous flow. Learn the steps for build­ing an inter­nal logis­tics sys­tem from cre­at­ing a Plan for Every Part (PFEP), prepar­ing a parts super­mar­ket, devel­op­ing deliv­ery routes, design­ing racks, con­tain­ers, and con­veyance sys­tems, and doc­u­ment­ing stan­dard work for logistics.