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School of Lean

Here are just a few of our more than 250 School of Lean videos. You can also view the first overview video for each course in our School of Lean section.


PPS Overview

10:47Members only

Current Video

Step 1: Clarify the Problem


Next Video5S Overview

12:01Members only


Calculating Takt Time

4:52Members only


Transactional or Office Value Stream Mapping

16:13Members only


Practical A3 Tips and Advice

5:11Members only

Training within Industry (TWI)

Our 5 day TWI course is sure to make a big impact on your organization.


Day 1: Faulty Instruction

08:33Members only


Day 2: Job Breakdown Sheet

05:32Members only

Current Video

Step 1: Clarify the Problem

Learn how clar­i­fy prob­lems as well as how to write strong prob­lem statements.

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