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Preview Package

Training within Industry (TWI)

Our 5 day TWI course is sure to make a big impact on your organization.


Day 1: Faulty Instruction

08:33Members only


Day 2: Job Breakdown Sheet

05:32Members only

Gemba Academy Live!

Here are just a few of our more than 350 Gemba Live videos, where we visit actual companies, host webinars, and record conferences and events. You can also view the first video for each episode in our Gemba Academy Live! section.


Welcome to FastCap!

6:19Members only


The Lean Bathroom

7:39Members only


Babies and Dogs

6:10Members only

Current Video

Setup Reduction in Action


Next VideoThe Lean Desk

2:52Members only


Lear Factory 1

4:20Members only


Discovering the Reality of Lean Leadership

13:33Members only


DEEP Digs Into Underground Storage

11:37Members only

Current Video

Setup Reduction in Action

Felipe explains how the clear coat depart­ment has imple­ment­ed Quick Changeover to make a rad­i­cal improvement!

Welcome to Gemba Academy!

Your Preview Package contains sample lessons from the many different courses we have available. Over 1,000 companies around the world use Gemba Academy lessons to guide their Lean Journey! All Gemba Academy videos are HD quality, and are accessible at your computer, on mobile devices, and can be projected into a large training room with no loss in quality.