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For many of the employ­ees at The Light­house for the Blind, even some­thing as sim­ple as locat­ing a tool can be a night­mare. In this video, Set­up Spe­cial­ists Jon Ott, Mike King, and Alex Carter walk Gem­ba Acad­e­my Co-Founder Ron Pereira through some of the tools they rely on to do their jobs safe­ly and efficiently.

  • 0:19 — Jon’s background
  • 0:48 — The dif­fer­ent ways employ­ees can read or inter­pret documents
  • 2:59 — The acces­si­bil­i­ty func­tions Mike uses
  • 5:18 — The life-chang­ing pow­er of shad­ow boards
  • 7:12 — Alex and the role of the andon

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