Abstract wall
Lean Daily Management

Process Confirmation

Process Con­fir­ma­tion is a sys­tem­at­ic way to check that stan­dards and con­trol points for crit­i­cal process­es are being fol­lowed. It is a sim­ple, visu­al, and time-based activ­i­ty. Process Con­fir­ma­tion involves going to where the work is actu­al­ly being done and con­firm­ing that it’s being done accord­ing to the agreed stan­dard. It’s not a detailed doc­u­ment audit, but a brief, struc­tured and infor­mal audit of our oper­a­tional stan­dards that often lead to pro­duc­tive dis­cus­sions about sus­tain­ing or fur­ther­ing improvements.