Abstract dot wave
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)

Autonomous Maintenance (TPM)

Autonomous Main­te­nance activ­i­ties sup­port smooth and effec­tive plant oper­a­tions by enabling oper­a­tors to detect and cor­rect equip­ment prob­lems ear­ly. This also cre­ates the capac­i­ty for an organization’s main­te­nance team to devel­op planned and pre­ven­tive capa­bil­i­ties. Learn the dif­fer­ence between basic and opti­mal con­di­tions, nat­ur­al and forced dete­ri­o­ra­tion, the sev­en types of equip­ment abnor­mal­i­ty, and the sev­en steps for get­ting start­ed with Autonomous Maintenance.