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How to Prepare Standard Work for Internal Logistics Delivery Routes

The aim when design­ing an inter­nal logis­tics sys­tem is to deliv­er the right quan­ti­ty of parts and mate­ri­als on-time to the point-of-use every time. It must also do this while using the min­i­mum amount of space, inven­to­ry, equip­ment, and labor. This requires cre­at­ing, fol­low­ing, and improv­ing stan­dard work. Specif­i­cal­ly, we need to design a safe, repeat­able, and pro­duc­tive deliv­ery route. Learn the three ele­ments of stan­dard work for deliv­ery routes and the sev­en steps to cre­at­ing stan­dard work.

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