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Getting Started

Lean is about creating value for the customer and developing people to solve problems. These fundamental concepts help to develop a culture of continuous improvement through daily practice. They include eliminating the waste that interferes with delivering value, applying scientific thinking to problem solving and improvement, respecting people, standardizing the one best way to do the work, and improving processes. Mastering these practices is the foundation of any Lean organization.


Learning the Seven Wastes with Jeff Kaas (Full Presentation)

39:56Members only

Current Video

Toyota Kata Overview


Next VideoDay 1: Job Relations Overview

05:35Members only


Day 1: Job Instruction Overview

04:53Members only


Day 1: Job Methods Overview

03:58Members only

Current Video

Toyota Kata Overview

In this video Ron Pereira intro­duces the course with an expla­na­tion of what Toy­ota Kata is, its his­to­ry, and how it can be used by any­one in any indus­try to change things for the bet­ter. Ron also intro­duces the course facil­i­ta­tor, Mark Rosen­thal, before explain­ing how the course can be used.