Blue gradient blobs

ChatGPT Webinar

Qual­i­ty, Lean, and Six Sig­ma pro­fes­sion­als often need to ana­lyze data, cre­at­ing graphs and charts to per­form sta­tis­ti­cal analy­sis. Learn how to use sim­ple prompts to per­form Sta­tis­ti­cal Analy­sis using Chat­G­PT Plus. This vir­tu­al sem­i­nar starts with the basics of using Chat­G­PT Plus for data analy­sis in an easy-to-under­stand way. Learn how to use this tool for sta­tis­ti­cal process con­trol (SPC) charts, his­tograms, box plots, t‑Tests, regres­sion, and more.