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Virtual Tours

Lean Case Study: Specialty Silicone Fabricators

In this video series we vis­it Spe­cial­ty Sil­i­cone Fab­ri­ca­tors in Paso Rob­les, Cal­i­for­nia. SSF is a man­u­fac­tur­er of pre­ci­sion sil­i­cone com­po­nents for the med­ical device indus­try, pro­vid­ing a full range of pro­cess­ing: mold­ing, extru­sion, sheet­ing, and dip­ping. SSF’s lean efforts over the past decade have trans­formed the com­pa­ny and enable it to com­pete glob­al­ly from facil­i­ties in Cal­i­for­nia and Michigan.