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Values, Agendas, and Change: Kanban’s Bigger Picture — Mike Burrows

From its ear­ly ori­gins, the Kan­ban Method was applied to orga­ni­za­tion­al prob­lems of sig­nif­i­cant scale and impact, where much was at stake. Despite this, many Kan­ban adop­tions seem by com­par­i­son rather lim­it­ed in their ambi­tion. Using a mod­ern inter­pre­ta­tion of the method based on the lan­guage of val­ues and agen­das, this talk will explain how the humane, start with what you do now approach to change” seeks to tack­le not just team-lev­el con­cerns but big­ger orga­ni­za­tion­al challenges.

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