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Using Kata to Address Wicked Problems in Safety — Will Lichtig

Con­struc­tion remains a dead­ly indus­try — over 700 work­ers are injured on a job­site every­day, and 3 are killed. Despite improved safe­ty tech­nol­o­gy, out­comes have been stag­nant. Now, com­pa­nies are begin­ning to apply lean think­ing to improve con­struc­tion safe­ty. Hav­ing seen dra­mat­ic improve­ments as a result of insti­tut­ing a Con­tin­u­ous Safe­ty improve­ment pro­gram, The Boldt Com­pa­ny has begun using the rou­tine of a Kata” to devel­op a new dis­ci­pline to improv­ing con­struc­tion safety.

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