Ask Gemba Beta

Welcome to Ask Gemba – Your Gemba Academy Knowledge Hub.

Ask Gemba is our specialized chatbot that delivers accurate and reliable insights on continuous improvement topics, including lean, Six Sigma, and leadership.

If you have any feedback or improvement suggestions about Ask Gemba send us a comment by emailing: [email protected]

Here’s what you need to know about Ask Gemba:

  1. Focused Knowl­edge Only: Ask Gem­ba has been trained using only Gem­ba Acad­e­my learn­ing con­tent (e.g., videos, blog arti­cles, and PDF doc­u­men­ta­tion). This ensures that its respons­es are entire­ly based on infor­ma­tion we’ve ver­i­fied and cho­sen to share. Ask Gem­ba will NOT pull infor­ma­tion from exter­nal sources like the Inter­net or oth­er AI ser­vices such as Chat­G­PT, guar­an­tee­ing con­sis­tent and pre­cise responses.
  2. Clear Bound­aries: If you ask a ques­tion out­side of Ask Gem­ba’s knowl­edge base, it will respond, Sor­ry, I can’t answer that.” This trans­paren­cy is how we keep respons­es accu­rate and aligned with what we know to be true.
  3. Pri­va­cy First: Any infor­ma­tion you share with Ask Gem­ba will not be used to train the mod­el, ensur­ing that your insights are safe­guard­ed and our com­mit­ment to con­fi­den­tial­i­ty is upheld.

We hope you find Ask Gem­ba help­ful and look for­ward to sup­port­ing your jour­ney with Gem­ba Academy!

If you have any feedback or improvement suggestions about Ask Gemba send us a comment by emailing:

[email protected]